Children , Young People and Education Committee Enquiry

Peer to Peer sexual harrisment

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Mae’r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn cynnal ymchwiliad i aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymysg dysgwyr. Sbardunwyd yr ymchwiliad gan adroddiad Estyn ym mis Rhagfyr 2021 i aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymysg disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd yng Nghymru.

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth – gan gynnwys cylch gorchwyl yr ymchwiliad – i’w chael ar dudalennau’r ymholiad.

Gwahoddiad i gyfrannu:

I helpu i lywio gwaith y Pwyllgor, rydym yn lansio dau ymgynghoriad:

  • un wedi’i anelu at oedolion a sefydliadau; ac
  • un wedi’i anelu at blant a phobl ifanc rhwng 11 a 18 oed.

Yr ymgynghoriad sydd wedi'i anelu at oedolion a sefydliadau

Mae gwybodaeth ar sut i gyfrannu i’w chael ar dudalen yr ymgynghoriad. Daw'r cyfnod ymgynghori i ben am 17:00, 1 Ebrill 2022. Sylwer na fydd yn bosibl ystyried ymatebion a ddaw i law ar ôl y dyddiad hwn.

Yr ymgynghoriad sydd wedi’i anelu at blant a phobl ifanc

Os ydych chi'n adnabod neu'n gweithio gydag unrhyw blant neu bobl ifanc a allai fod â diddordeb mewn ymateb, byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech roi gwybod iddynt fod yr ymgynghoriad yn digwydd. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am yr ymgynghoriad a sut i ymateb i’w chael ar-lein. Daw’r cyfnod ymgynghori hwn hefyd i ben am 17:00, 1 Ebrill 2022.

Rhwydd hynt i chi rannu'r e-bost hwn ag eraill a allai fod â diddordeb yn ein hymgynghoriad.

Os oes gennych gwestiynau pellach, cysylltwch drwy e-bost ar bob cyfrif.

Ffon:0300 200 6565

The Children, Young People and Education Committee is holding an inquiry on Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among learners. The inquiry was triggered by Estyn’s December 2021 report into peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales.

Further information, including the inquiry’s terms of reference, can be found on the inquiry pages.

Invitation to contribute:

To help the inform the Committee’s work, we are launching two consultations:

  • one targeted at adults and organisations; and
  • one targeted at children and young people aged between 11 and 18.

The consultation targeted at adults and organisations

Information on how to contribute is available on the consultation page. The consultation closes at 17:00 on 1 April 2022. Please note that it will not be possible to consider responses received after this date.

The consultation targeted at children and young people

If you know or work with any children or young people who might be interested in responding, we would be grateful if you could let them know that the consultation is running. More information about the consultation and how to respond is available online. This consultation also closes at 17:00 on 1 April 2022.

Please feel free to share this email with others who may be interested in our consultation.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email.

Call: 0300 200 6565

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Ddole Road Industrial Estate

01597 822 191

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SY16 2EH

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