Migrants Rights & Public Services training.

Settled is a UK charity originally set up to help EU citizens in the UK secure their settled or pre-settled status following Brexit, and to access associated rights.

Please see information below from Settled about their services and training available.

We now also provide advice to Ukrainians and their family/host sponsors. Our core service is part-funded by the Welsh Government; they have now also commissioned us to deliver online training on “Migrant Rights & Public Services” to public and voluntary sector organisations across Wales. Various dates and times Sept-Nov, starting next week! Please see flyer attached.

The half-day training session will give a broad overview of all migrant groups, and particularly focus on three areas that are of particular relevance right now:

1.       EU Settlement Scheme – late applications, upcoming conversions from pre-settled to settled status, issues accessing welfare benefits rights and other services, etc

2.       Ukraine Schemes – extension, family, and Homes For Ukraine schemes, and ongoing/developing challenges

3.       No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) - the Welsh Government’s newly published guidance

Training is for:

·local authorities, healthcare providers, the voluntary sector, etc – anyone working with migrants in any community and any setting in Wales

·front-line staff and volunteers; and managers, councillors, trustees, etc

Sessions are:


·online, via Zoom

·interactive, with scenarios and plenty of time for Q&A

·easily bookable via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/migrant-rights-and-public-services-tickets-408609119877

·3 hours (single session) – with morning, afternoon and evening slots available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between next Tues 13th Sept and Weds 9th Nov (see Eventbrite page for details)

·in English, but with option to have presentation materials and Q&A subsequently emailed in Welsh

Summary aims of this training are:

To ensure migrants living in Wales can receive services to which they are entitled, and to reduce incorrect determination of when an individual is ineligible for support due to confusion surrounding statuses.

To increase awareness and knowledge about the rights of migrants in Wales - for both staff in public authorities and migrant voluntary support services. This dual audience should increase mutual understanding of the limitations and opportunities to provide support to migrants.

This bespoke training package will enable participants to:

·Understand the Welsh Government’s clear expectation that public authorities will seek to support migrants in the community as far as they are able and within their powers, as a Nation of Sanctuary;

·Know and understand what services migrants are eligible to receive, and the differences, in terms of entitlements, between those with different statuses;

·Know and understand what services other migrants are eligible to receive;

·Respond to queries with up-to-date, knowledgeable advice;

·Know how to make accurate case work decisions;

·Understand how migration status links to UK Government Immigration Acts;

·Support and guide migrants to ensure they understand and apply to receive any services which they are eligible to receive;

·Recognise the support needs of an individual, regardless of their immigration status, and where the Social Services and Well-being Act may need to be engaged to provide support.

Training will cover all migrant groups, with particular focuses on the latest on the EU Settlement Scheme and Ukraine schemes, and an overview of the Welsh Govt's new guidance on New Recourse to Public Funds. We will discuss scenarios, and have plenty of time for your questions! Settled's OISC Level 3 immigration specialist will be part of the training panel.

Please encourage colleagues to book ASAP through our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/migrant-rights-and-public-services-tickets-408609119877

In that booking process, participants will be asked to let us know in advance if they have a particular question they'd like to be covered in the training. We will deliver the training in English, with slides and Q&A forwarded to all participants after; at booking, participants will also be asked if they’d like subsequent written content sent to them in Welsh. Participants can also request simultaneous translation in Welsh, or signing.

More broadly, please see attached our overview service leaflet; and leaflets for Ukrainians facing homelessness as placements unfortunately break down (in English, Ukrainian and Russian) – to be used and shared with your staff, networks, and clients please!

Thank you for your time in advance. We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at one of our training sessions soon!

Lle i gael hyd inni

Swyddfa Llandrindod

Unit 30
Ddole Road Industrial Estate

01597 822 191

Swyddfa'r Drenewydd

Plas Dolerw
Milford Road
SY16 2EH

01686 626 220



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