Grants, generally for around £5,000, are available for UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas for projects and activities that promote humaneness for the benefit of humanity and communities.

Application deadlinenone – applications may be made at any time in writing.
FunderThe British Humane Association (founded 1922. Charity Commission registration 1962. Charity number 207120. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2022: £165,000 (2021: £160,000)).
Who can applyUK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
Key WordsHumaneness, Humanity, Compassion, Relief of Inhumane Activities to People and /or Animals, Support for Individuals in Need, the Relief of Poverty, Sickness and Ill-Health, Overseas, United Kingdom.

Now in its 102nd year, South Wales based the British Humane Association is a grant-making charity that awards small grants to other UK registered charities that are working in the UK and/or overseas to promote humaneness for the benefit of humanity and the community.

The adjective ‘humaneness’ is normally characterised by people acting in a kind, sympathetic way towards other people and animals, so that they do them as little harm as possible.

The Association has identified the following 3 types of UK charity that can receive grant support

1. Charities directly involved in the relief of inhumane activities.
2. Charities distributing grants to individuals, 
3. Charities providing relief of poverty, sickness or benefit to the community.

During the year ended 31st December 2022, the Association made 34 grants totalling £165,000. Awards were for between £1,500 and £15,000 with the majority of grants made being around the £5,000 mark. Awards were mostly new grants with a few repeat donations.

Details of all charities awarded grants over the last 2 years can be found on pages 11 and 12 of the Association’s annual accounts.

Please note that the Association does not have a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.

Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:

Mrs S E Fox
Company Secretary
The British Humane Association
C/O FoxSE Consultancy
Cardiff House
Cardiff Road
Vale of Glamorgan
CF63 2AW