Capital equipment grants of between £500 and £4,000 are available to UK organisations affiliated to British Rowing to purchase equipment and refurbish boats so that young people and people with a disability can participate in rowing.
o Application deadline: MONDAY 4th NOVEMBER 2024 at 12 noon (midday) for capital Equipment Grants. Applications for Boat Refurbishments may be made at any time via a separate application process.
o Funder: The Rowing Foundation (founded 1980. Charity number 281688. Total charitable expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2023: £67,784 (2022: £74,291; 2021: £68,412)).
o Who can apply: UK organisations, clubs and schools involved in water elements of the sport of rowing who are individually affiliated to British Rowing (other than via their governing body) and whose requirements may be too small or who may be otherwise ineligible for an approach to the National Lottery or other similar sources of funding.
o Key words: Sport, Rowing, Children and Young People, Disabled/People with a Disability, Sea Cadets, United Kingdom.
The Rowing Foundation generates and administers funds to support participation in water sports – especially rowing – by young people, particularly those under 18 or under 23 (if still in full time education) and disabled people of all ages by giving grants to enable clubs to adapt existing or purchase new equipment such as boats and oars/sculls.
Capital Equipment Grants of between £500 and £4,000 are available to UK organisations affiliated to British Rowing to purchase equipment such as boats, sculls, oars and essential safety equipment.
The following grants are available:
1. Capital Equipment Grants of between £500 and £4,000 for up to 50% of the overall project costs. Capital Equipment Grants have deadlines in February, May and October/November annually.
2. Boat Refurbishment Grants of up to £3,000 for up to 50% of the costs of refurbishments of boats used by juniors. Applications for Boat Refurbishment Grants should be made by junior rowers on behalf of their club and with the approval of the club committee. Applications for a Boat Refurbishment Grant may be made at any time.
Requests for Boat Refurbishment Grants may be made at any time and are reviewed on a monthly basis. Requests should be submitted as a handwritten letter from a junior rower who has been through the J14 category. Applications should reflect their passion for the sport and the need to get their boats refurbished and must be accompanied by a signed letter from the club chairman, secretary, treasurer or other appropriately authorised officer itemising the boats that need to be refurbished and confirming that the submission has the approval of the committee and that the funds required to be met by the club are already available.
Applicants should note that there is a matched funding requirement for all Rowing Foundation grants. Applicants are expected to have sought and secured at least 50% of the total cost of their project from other sources.
Funding is not available for:
o Coaching.
o Contribution to general funds.
o Groups in receipt of capital grants who have received a Foundation grant within the last three years.
o Individuals.
o Purposes which may be considered elite.
o Revenue.
o Sailing, or
o Swimming.
There are separate application processes for Boat Refurbishment Grants and Capital Equipment Grants.
Applications for a Capital Equipment Grant should be made by midday (12 noon) on Monday 4th November 2024.
Further information, guidance and an online application form for Capital Equipment Grants can be found on the Foundation’s website (scroll down the page to the text boxes headed ‘Apply for an Equipment Grant’ and ‘Apply for a Refurbishment Grant’).