Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available for smaller UK registered charities working in the areas of education, Jewish life, medical research, music, the performing arts, social exclusion and developing countries. The majority of grants are made for music, performing arts and Jewish life.
o Application deadline: TUESDAY 6th AUGUST 2024 at 5pm.
o Funder: The Wingate Foundation (founded 1972. Charity No: 264114. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £465,102 2022: £360,245; 2021: £406,485)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
o Key Words: Education, Social Exclusion, Jewish Life and Learning, Literary Projects, Medical Research Travel Grants, Music, Performing Arts, Community Development, Overseas, United Kingdom.
The overarching objective of the Wingate Foundation (also known as the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation) is the general advancement of such Jewish and other charitable purposes, as the Trustees, in their discretion, see fit. The majority of grants are made in the areas of music and the performing arts, as well as Jewish life and learning.
Specifically, the Foundation’s objectives are to support smaller UK charities working in the UK and/or overseas, and to establish and endow fellowships, professional chairs, prizes and awards. The principal categories under which donations are made to charitable bodies are:
o Jewish Life and Learning.
o Performing Arts, excluding music.
o Music.
o Education.
o Social Exclusion.
o Developing Countries, and
o Medical Research, including travel grants.
The Foundation does not normally consider donations to the general funds of large charitable bodies or to projects which ought, in their opinion, to be able to attract sponsorship from commercial sources.
The Foundation’s grant-making has remained fairly consistent during and after COVID. In the year ended 5 April 2023, the Foundation awarded 94 grants totalling £465,102 (2022: 74 grants totalling £360,245; 2021: 74 grants totalling £406,485; 2020:71 grants totalling £310,728). Awards ranged from £980 to £10,000. Grants were awarded against the following categories:
o Jewish Life and Learning: £97,671 (2022: £70,049).
o Music: £138,530 (2022: £100,868).
o Education and Social Exclusion: £37,208 (2022: £36,024).
o Performing Arts: £158,135 (2022: £133,290).
o Medical Research including travel grants: £4,651 (2022: £3,602).
o Development projects: £4,651 (£3,602), and
o Literary Prizes: £23,255 (2022: £12,776).
Funding is not available for:
o Duke of Edinburgh Award activities.
o Gap year projects.
o Individuals.
o Larger charities, including local branch offices of large organisations.
o Not-for-profit organisations that are not registered charities.
o Operation Raleigh projects.
o Stage productions, under the performing arts category.
o Students or individuals looking to undertake research projects, or
o Travel, subsistence or registration for international or national congresses and symposia, under the medical research travel grants category.
Further information, guidance and an application form is available on the Foundation’s website. Completed applications should be submitted by email to
The next application deadline is 5.00pm on Tuesday 6th August 2024.