Grants of up to £5,000 are available for UK clubs and projects which will enable disadvantaged children and young people aged 5-21 to participate in sport.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time via the application form available on the Trust’s website.
o Funder: The Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust (founded 2021. Charity number 1196831 Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 March 2023: £41,570.78).
o Who can apply: UK sports clubs, teams, community groups (including Community Interest Companies) and teams. Individuals may also apply for a grant.
o Key words: Sport, Children and Young People aged 5-21, Disability, Disadvantage, Ill-Health, Social and/or Economic Disadvantage Sports Equipment, Transport, Fulfilling Individual Potential, United Kingdom.
Several years on from the death of Matlock FC footballer, Jordan Sinnott, his friends and family launched the Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust. Jordan died, aged just 25 years, after being fatally injured in Retford, Nottinghamshire, on 25 January 2020.
Three of Jordan’s closest friends, Middlesbrough FC player Matt Crooks; retired professional football player, Jonathan Stead and Danny Ward, a Huddersfield Town FC player, have become trustees of the charity and are working closely with Jordan’s mum, Melanie Tait, who is Chair of the Trust, raise funds to help award to clubs and projects to enable disadvantaged children and young people aged 5-21 to participate in sport.
The Trust’s objectives are:
o The relief of those who are in need, particularly children and young people, by reason of sickness or disability, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances, including by the provision of grants to fund items such as sports equipment, club membership or training facilities for those who cannot afford them.
o To help young people, by means of sport and healthy recreation, to develop their capabilities and fulfil their potential as individuals and members of society.
The Trust’s current funding priorities are:
o Individuals, in order to fund access to sport and to enable them to further their progress in sport where they cannot afford it
o Grassroot sports teams for young persons.
o Projects that enable social inclusion for young persons in need through sport and health recreation.
The Trust welcomes proposals that support their funding priorities from organisations, individuals and other charities that further the Charity’s objectives. The Charity trustees are particularly keen to support vulnerable and underprivileged children and young adults.
In particular, the Trust is eager to support small grassroots clubs through grants of up to £5,000, which can be used to pay for such things as (please note this is not an exclusive list):
o Club membership.
o Coaching, training and/or education.
o Equipment.
o Kit, and
o Transport.
Grants should enable vulnerable and disadvantaged people to engage with sport. Children and young adults facing barriers, including young carers, can apply for individual grants of up to £2,000 to help them participate in sport.
The following grants are therefore available:
o Clubs/groups or teams – grants of up to £5,000, and
o Individual grants of up to £2,000.
During the year ended 31st March 2023, this representing the Trust’s inaugural year of grant-making, grants of £41,571 to individuals, teams and clubs were awarded, helping over 500 children and young adults.
A number of the organisations that received a grant during the year are listed on page 8 of the Trust’s Annual Report.
Further information, guidance and an application form is available on the Trust’s website.
Applications may be made at any time and are reviewed regularly by the trustees.