Grants of up to £1,600 for groups and £600 for individuals are available to enable disabled people in the UK to play tennis through the purchase of wheelchairs, tennis equipment and grants for coaching.

Application deadline: SUNDAY 13th April, 20th July and 26th October. 
o FunderThe Dan Maskell Tennis Trust (founded 2009. Charity No: 1133589. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2023: £73,229 (2022: £56,008; 2021: £69,171; 2020: £75,181)).
Who can apply: UK registered charities, voluntary groups, sports clubs, schools. Individuals may also apply for a small grant.
o Key words: Tennis, Disability, Equipment, Individuals, United Kingdom.

The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust awards small grants up to £1,600 (this was previously £1,500) or up to £600 for individuals (previously £500) to support the playing of tennis by people with a disability, with a specific interest in people who are:

o Blind and partially sighted.
o Hearing impaired.
o Individuals with learning disabilities.
o Individuals with mental health issues, 
o Mobility impaired (wheelchair users).

Individuals, groups, special schools, disability programmes and tennis clubs may apply for financial help for specialist equipment such as:

o Coaching fees and tennis coaching qualifications.
o Court hire.
o General tennis equipment to enable people with a disability to participate in the sport.
o Special sound balls for visually impaired tennis, 
o Tennis wheelchairs.

During the year ended 31st December 2023, the Trust met on 4 occasions and approved 119 grant applications, as follows:

o 24 (2022: 36) individual tennis wheelchairs.
o 2 (2022: 1) tennis wheelchairs for separate groups.
o 3 (2022: 5) tennis equipment bags.
o 55 (2022: 39) monetary grants for various individuals, 
o 35 (2022: 34) monetary grants for various groups.

Please note that applicants looking for funding towards the cost of a wheelchair will be expected to provide matched funding.

A number of case studies are available on the Trust’s website.

Further information, guidance and an application form is available on the Trust’s website.

The next deadline for applications is Sunday 13th April 2025

Further deadlines during 2025 are planned for:

o Sunday 20th July, and
o Sunday 26th October.

Contact details for the Trust are:

The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust
c/o 38 Smithy Lane
Lower Kingswood
KT20 6TX
01737 831707