PAVO's Health and Wellbeing Team facilitates this network, with input from service users, third sector organisations and the PTHB Powys Dementia Steering Group.
Anyone with an interest in or experience of living with dementia is welcomed. There is normally a mix of statutory services and voluntary organisations, with good representation from those living with dementia or caring for someone.
The Powys Dementia Network is held every 6 months, usually in January and July. The purpose of the network is to enable the voice of those living with dementia to be heard. They and their carers are able to talk about what matters to them, so they can influence decisions about how services are provided in Powys. The networks also enable organisations to share best practice and let people know about their services.
An opportunity to help shape the provision of third sector services in Powys.
Please join us at PAVO Offices in Llandrindod on Wednesday 30th October at 2pm
There is also the chance to join online.
Please share your successes and help identify what we should plan for the future.
Open to all with an opinion!
For further details contact PAVO on 01597 822191
Additional useful documents
Useful links
Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy- https://www.ageuk.org.uk/cymru/our-work/advocacy/dementia-advocacy/
DEEP the UK network of Dementia Voices- http://dementiavoices.org.uk/
Dementia Matters in Powys- http://dementiamatterspowys.org.uk/
Alzheimers Society- https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/info/20028/contact_us/832/wales
Dementia Action Plan for Wales 2018-2022