Social Value Forum Development Fund 2024-25
The aim of the Social Value Development Fund is to fund new or clearly extend existing social value sector preventative services and activities that fill and bridge gaps in current provision that improve mental and physical well-being, help individuals live an independent life and aim to reduce the need for higher level intervention, whilst ensuring alignment with the Powys Health and Care Strategy. The funding has been made available from the Powys Regional Partnership Board via the Social Value Forum.
All applicants must engage with the support available from the fund’s Development Officer prior to the submission of an application.
- The total value of the fund is £150,000; no limits have been set on the amount that can be applied for as the panel will make decisions based on the best use of the available resource.
- The fund is available to support revenue costs only.
- The application window opens on 27th February 2024. The deadline is 1PM on Thursday 4th April 2024.
- The fund provides initial funding for a new or extended service, therefore applications need to clearly show how the service/activity will continue after 31st March 2025.
- All applicants, successful or otherwise, will have the opportunity to receive support from a PAVO Development Officer.
Funding decisions will be made by a multi agency grants panel based on the best use of the available resource, the quality of completed applications and the level of engagement of applicants with the development support made available by the fund.
Successful applicants will be expected to work with PAVO's Welsh language development officer 'the Active Offer' concerning the integration of the Welsh Language into their activities.
Fund Priorities
- Travel for wellbeing
- Improving community wellbeing and connections
- Support for the vulnerable
- Eating better, spending less
Support is available from the Fund’s development officer to help you identify how your project proposal can address these priorities.
It is essential that all potential applicants engage fully with the support available from the development officer – who is there to help you develop initial project ideas and to be a critical friend in the development of your application. That support will not guarantee a successful application – grant making is a competitive process and we expect the available funds to be oversubscribed – but it will help to ensure that your application is the best it can be. If you have received a link to this application form from any source other than the Fund’s officer, you must contact that officer to discuss the proposed project and take advantage of the free support available. Failure to do so will result in your application not being eligible for consideration by the Fund’s grant panel.
To be eligible for funding your organisation must be categorised under Social Value Sector organisations/groups as defined in section 16 of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014 i.e Social Enterprises, co-operatives, user led services and the third sector, with a constitution /set of rules and a bank account. If you are not a constituted organisation, it is unlikely that you will be able to apply for funding, but please contact the Fund's officer to discuss options, as we may be able to help you find another organisation locally that you can work with to submit an application.
All projects must be based in Powys. Where projects have beneficiaries outside the county, such beneficiaries can only be a small proportion of those reached / engaged with by the project.
Proposed projects must contribute to the Powys Health and Care Strategy. Details of this can be found here.
Projects must either be a new activity (that is not duplicated elsewhere in your area of benefit) or a clear extension of an existing activity. The fund CANNOT be used for continuity funding. Definition of a ‘clear extension’ - it must be shown that an activity you, or another organisation currently offer is clearly not available to the beneficiaries of your proposed project. e.g. you currently provide a youth cafe in Newtown, offering an extra evening would not meet this criteria, whereas offering an additional youth cafe in a different area would.
To obtain an application form you will need to arrange a short meeting with the Social Value Development Officer to discuss your project. You can do this by emailing or calling 01597 822191