Ymgynghoriad Cyllided Plismona Policing Budget Consultation

Fel eich Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu ar gyfer Dyfed-Powys, fy nyletswydd i yw sicrhau gwasanaeth plismona effeithiol ac effeithlon ar gyfer ein cymunedau. Ariennir gwasanaeth plismona lleol o setliadau Grant Llywodraeth y DU a Chymru, yn ogystal â thrwy braesept yr heddlu, sef y swm y byddwch yn ei dalu am blismona drwy eich treth gyngor.


As your Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys, it is my duty to secure effective and efficient policing for our communities. Local policing is funded from UK and Welsh Government Grant settlements, as well as through the police precept, which is the amount you pay for policing through your council tax.

Cysylltaf a chi I ofyn y garedig a fyddai modd I chi gwblhau holiadur byr sy;n rhan o’m Ymgynghoriad ar Gyllideb Plisomna 2024-25.


Un o fy nghyfrifoldebau statudol fel Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu yw gosod praesept yr heddlu. Mae penderfynu ar lefel y praesept bob amser yn broses heriol, yn enwedig yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf lle bu’n rhaid imi gydbwyso rhwng heriau ariannol digynsail a sicrhau lefel briodol o wasanaeth plismona y mae ein cymunedau’n ei ddisgwyl. 

Cychwynnwyd Adolygiad Heddlu'r llynedd i asesu'n feirniadol yr holl feysydd gweithgaredd o fewn Dyfed-Powys gan geisio effeithlonrwydd, arbedion cost a chyfleoedd trawsnewid. Mae cynnydd sylweddol eisoes wedi'i wneud gan Heddlu Dyfed-Powys i sicrhau bod yr Heddlu'n gweithredu mor effeithlon ac effeithiol â phosibl, ac mae hyn yn parhau i fod yn ffocws. 

Fodd bynnag, nid yw gweithio'n effeithlon ac effeithiol yn golygu y gall yr Heddlu fodloni'r holl ofynion cynyddol a roddir arno. 

Mae'r heriau ariannol a wynebir yn sylweddol. Mae’r pwysau o gostau a chwyddiant uchel, ynghyd â gofynion i ddarparu seilwaith hanfodol yn cael eu dyfnhau gan y cynnydd yn nifer a chymhlethdod troseddau a'r galw cyffredinol am wasanaethau heddlu. 

Ar y pwynt hwn o gynllunio, mae ansicrwydd hefyd a risgiau gweithredol ac ariannol ynghylch faint o gyllid a dderbynnir gan Lywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru drwy setliadau Grant Heddlu cenedlaethol a grantiau penodol sy’n sail i ystod eang o weithgarwch heddlu a’r rheng flaen. 

Rwy’n ymwybodol iawn o’r pwysau y mae’r argyfwng costau byw yn ei roi ar bawb, a byddaf yn eu hystyried wrth i mi lywio’r amrywiaeth o heriau sy’n ymdrechu i wneud y penderfyniad gorau ar gyfer diogelwch ein cymuned tra’n sicrhau amgylchedd cynaliadwy. a gwasanaeth heddlu sy'n wydn yn ariannol. 

Mae'r broses ymgynghori cyhoeddus yn caniatáu i mi ystyried eich barn a’ch adborth ar lefelau ariannu. Mae dros hanner ein cyllideb plismona yn dod drwy’r praesept yr Heddlu ac felly mae'n bwysig iawn i mi glywed eich barn felly byddwn yn ddiolchgar i chi am roi o'ch amser i gwblhau'r arolwg ymgynghori byr hwn. 


I write to you to ask you kindly if you could complete a short survey as part of my 2024-25 Policing Budget Consultation:


One of my statutory responsibilities as a Police and Crime Commissioner is setting the police precept. Deciding on the precept level is always a challenging process, particularly in recent years where I have had to balance between unprecedented financial challenges and ensuring an appropriate level of policing service that our communities expect. 

A Force Review was initiated last year to critically assess all areas of activity seeking efficiencies, cost savings and transformational opportunities. Significant progress has already been made by Dyfed-Powys Police to ensure that the Force operates as efficiently and effectively as possible, and this very much remains a focus. 

However, working efficiently and effectively, does not mean the Force can meet all the growing demands placed on it.   

The financial challenges faced are considerable.  High inflation, cost pressures along with requirements to provide critical infrastructure are compounded by the increased volume and complexity of crime and overall demands for police services. 

,At this stage of planning, there are also uncertainties and both operational and financial risks around how much funding will be received from both the UK and Welsh Government through national Police Grant settlements and specific grants which underpin an extensive range of police and frontline activity. 
I am painfully aware of the pressure the cost-of-living crisis is putting on everyone, which I will take into consideration as I navigate the array of challenges striving to make the best decision for the safety and security of our community whilst ensuring a sustainable and financially resilient police service

The public consultation process allows me to consider your thoughts on funding levels and feedback. Over half of our policing budget comes through the policing precept, therefore it is very important for me to hear your views so I would be grateful to you for taking the time to complete this short consultation survey. 


Where to find us

Llandrindod Wells Office

Unit 30
Ddole Road Industrial Estate
Llandrindod Wells

01597 822 191

Newtown Office

Plas Dolerw
Milford Road
SY16 2EH

01686 626 220

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