Cymuned Ymarfer (CoP) ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (CYP) ag anabledd dysgu - Community of Practice (CoP) for children and young people (CYP) with a learning disability

Rydym yn chwilio am gyd-gadeirydd i helpu i arwain a datblygu'r gymuned ymarfer plant a phobl ifanc wrth i ni barhau i weithio gyda'n rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau mynediad teg i wasanaethau yng Nghymru.

We are looking for a co-chairperson to help lead and develop the children and young people’s community of practice as we continue to work with our stakeholders to ensure equitable access to services in Wales.

( Scroll down for English)

Pwrpas y CoP yw ystyried y ffordd orau i ni ddatblygu dull cyson a chynaliadwy o ddarparu gwasanaethau, gan fyfyrio ar lwybrau, iaith a rennir, gwerthoedd, a safonau gofynnol/egwyddorion gofal.

Gydag aelodaeth gynyddol ar draws sefydliadau iechyd, addysg, gofal cymdeithasol a thrydydd sector, mae ein haelodaeth yn agored i unrhyw un - gan gynnwys rhieni/gofalwyr ac unigolion sydd â phrofiadau bywyd.

Ein nod yw darparu llais cyfunol ar faterion sy'n bwysig i blant a phobl ifanc ac rydym yn dymuno rhannu'r 'mannau llachar' o ran arferion gorau, gan gefnogi ein gilydd i ehangu a lledaenu'r hyn sy'n gweithio orau.

Rydym yn croesawu diddordeb gan unrhyw un sy’n dymuno cefnogi’r CoP i barhau i ddatblygu’r aelodaeth. Byddem yn hapus i dderbyn diddordeb gan rieni/gofalwyr a all ein cefnogi i feithrin perthnasoedd cryf ar draws pob sector a rhannu eu dealltwriaeth gadarn o’r heriau a’r cyfleoedd sy’n wynebu plant a phobl ifanc ag anabledd dysgu yng Nghymru.

•         Bydd y rôl hon yn helpu'r CoP i lywio'r aelodaeth drwy sicrhau bod trafodaethau'n cyd-fynd â'r gwaith a gynllunnir yn y cynllun gweithredu strategol anabledd dysgu.

•         Bydd y rôl hon yn gofyn am y gallu i arwain ac ysgogi, gan helpu i greu a meithrin diwylliant cadarnhaol a chroesawgar, lle mae pawb yn cael eu hannog i gydweithio a chyfrannu.

Gweler y cylch gorchwyl atodedig am ragor o fanylion am rôl yr is-gadeirydd a chysylltwch â Rebecca.curtis7(at)  am unrhyw fanylion pellach neu sgwrs anffurfiol.

DYDDIAD CAU: 15 Medi 2023.


The purpose of the CoP is to consider how we can best develop a consistent and sustainable approach to providing services, reflecting on pathways, shared language, values, and minimum standards/principles of care.

With an ever-growing membership across health, education, social care, and third-sector organisations, our membership is open to anyone - inclusive of parents/ carers and individuals with lived experiences.

We aim to provide a collective voice on issues that are important to children and young people and wish to share the ‘bright spots’ in best practice, supporting each other with the scale-up and spread out of what works best.

We welcome interest from anyone who wishes to support the CoP to continue developing the membership. We would happily receive interest from parents/carers who can support us to build strong relationships across all sectors and share their robust understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing children and young people with a learning disability in Wales.

  • This role will help the CoP to navigate the membership by ensuring that discussions are aligned with the planned work within the learning disability strategic action plan.
  • This role will require an ability to lead and motivate, helping to create and foster a positive and welcoming culture, where everyone is encouraged to collaborate and contribute.

Please see the terms of reference attached for further details of the vice-chair role and contact Rebecca.curtis7(at) for any further details or an informal chat.

Close of CALL: September 15th 2023.

Where to find us

Llandrindod Wells Office

Unit 30
Ddole Road Industrial Estate
Llandrindod Wells

01597 822 191

Newtown Office

Plas Dolerw
Milford Road
SY16 2EH

01686 626 220

Get in touch


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