Core revenue grants, generally up to £3,000, are available for smaller registered charities in the UK working to support disadvantaged families, isolated children and young people, and prisoners and ex-offenders.

Application deadlineFRIDAY 26th JULY 2024.
FundersThe Woodward Charitable Trust (founded 1988. Charity number 299963. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £235,380 (2022: £239,481)).
Who can applyregistered UK charities, Community Interest Companies, Charitable Incorporated Organisations and exempt charities (an exempt charity has charitable status and is required to comply with charity law) with an annual income of under £200,000. Please note that the Trust no longer funds organisations based outside of the UK nor those primarily working overseas.
Key wordsDisadvantaged Families, Isolated Children and Young People, Prisoners and Ex-Offenders, United Kingdom.

The Woodward Charitable Trust only makes grants for core costs rather than specific projects as the Trust recognises that smaller charities can find these hard to fund. The Trust hopes that this will have a more direct impact on the organisations that they choose to fund.

The Trust likes projects that promote community cohesion and the development of skills that will change the outlook and outcomes for the users. Organisations that promote volunteering and involve both past and present users in their operations or management are encouraged.

The Trust is looking for organisations which aim to achieve a positive impact in at least one of the following areas:

Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour and projects to help those who have been in the care system. This also covers gang violence and knife crime, education and mentoring as well as projects that work to raise self-esteem and employment opportunities and encourage an active involvement in and contribution towards the local community.
Disadvantaged families: this covers parenting support and guidance, mental health, food poverty, refuges and domestic violence projects. The Trust recognises that many organisations dealing with disadvantaged families may also work with other disadvantaged people, but please note that at least 50% of service users must fall into the three priority groups in order to be considered for a grant;
Prisoners and ex-offenders: specifically projects that maintain and develop contact with prisoners’ families and help with the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders after their release.

The Trust offers the following grants:

1. Small grants – up to £3,000, but usually £1,000 or less;
2. Large grants – however, only a few large grants are awarded over £3,000 each year, and these are usually to charities known to the Trustees.

During the year ended 5 April 2023, the Trust awarded grants totalling £235,380 (2022: £239,481).

A list of all grants awarded during the year can be viewed on pages 28-40 of the Trust’s annual accounts.

Funding is not available for:

o Charitable branches of larger organisations if the parent organisation’s income exceeds £1 million, and branches where the majority of their income is provided by a national organisation.
o Charities applying for capital and construction projects such as playgrounds, village halls and disabled access.
o Charities registered or only working overseas.
o Charities that are unknown to the trustees with an income/expenditure that exceeded £200,000 in the previous financial year (unless this was for an exceptional one off).
o Charities with reserves exceeding 50% of their expenditure.
o Exclusively education-based charities.
o Gyms and sports centres.
o Hospices.
o Individuals in any capacity.
o Nurseries.
o Private limited companies.
o Requests for grants in excess of £3,000 without first discussing it with the Trust’s Administrator, 
o Voluntary community groups, including constituted groups/forums.

Further information, guidance and an online application form is available on the Trust’s website.

The next deadline for applications is on Friday 26th July 2024.

Successful applicants are expected to be notified in late October or early November 2024.