THE ANCHOR FOUNDATION Revenue and capital grants of between £500 and £10,000

Revenue and capital grants of between £500 and £10,000 (but usually for £1,000) are available to UK-registered Christian charities working in the UK and overseas on projects that encourage social inclusion through the ministries of healing and the arts.

Application deadlineWEDNESDAY 31st JULY 2024.
FunderThe Anchor Foundation (founded 2000. Charity No: 1082485. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 March 2023: £275,852 (2022: £238,736; 2021: £237,172)).
Who can applyUK Christian charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
Key words: Christian Causes, Social Inclusion through Healing and the Arts, Overseas, United Kingdom.

The Anchor Foundations aim is to provide grant funding Christian charities across the UK and overseas that are addressing social inclusion. particularly through the ministries of healing and the arts.

UK registered charities may apply for a grant of between £500 and £10,000 per year for a period of up to 3 years. Grants are available for revenue and capital projects. Please note  that grants are rarely awarded for building projects, unless an exceptional case for grant support can be made. Charities that can demonstrate that they have functional equal opportunities policies and procedures are likely to be prioritised for grant support.

During the year ended 31 March 2023 the Foundation awarded 57 grants totalling £275,852 (2022: 54 grants totalling £238,736; 2021: 60 grants totalling £237,172; 2020: 48 grants totalling £238,770; 2019: 59 grants totalling £275,842).

Details of all grants awarded during the year are provided on pages 15-16  of the Charity’s annual accounts. While several awards are repeat grants, the Foundation makes a large proportion of new grants each year.

Further information, guidance, together with an online application form, which can also be downloaded, is available on the Foundation’s website.

The Foundation operates two application rounds annually, on:

1. 31st January for the Foundation’s April meeting, and
2. 31st July for the Foundation’s October meeting.

The next application deadline is therefore on Wednesday 31st July 2024, with the one after scheduled for Friday 31st January 2025.

Contact details for the Foundation are:

Heather McPherson
The Anchor Foundation
PO Box 7689
(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)