Trustees Network

Whether you are a trustee of a charity, a director of a not-for-profit company or a management committee member, you will be aware of your responsibility for ensuring the good governance and sustainability of your organisation.

PAVO supports a network for trustees, directors and management committee members to share their own knowledge and expertise.

Trusted Voices Network brings you together online.


Membership gives:

  • an easy-to-use online forum that allows you to post questions and comments to members from across Powys - Trusted Voices
  • a place on the forum to advertise your events to the Network
  • access to our Trusted Voices blog, which carries news and comments - and share your news
  • a regular bi-monthly E-bulletin
  • a Trusted Voices video - profile your organisation and tell others why you volunteer as a trustee, what you get out of it and share advice. Perfect for interesting potential new trustees in your work.
  • events and training offers available across the sector
  • half-price offer for PAVO’s Being a Trustee training
  • Trusted Voices badge - be identified by other trustees in Powys.

Take the Trusted Voices Pledge:

  1. Pledge your commitment to good governance -  you will work to make your organisation better.
  2. You’ll be an active member – you’ll join in and share your experiences with others.

Ready to join?

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