Ymgynghoriadau sc Ymgysylltiadau

Arolygon Tlodi Plant a Theuluoedd Blynyddol Plant yng Nghymru

Mae Arolygon Tlodi Plant a Theuluoedd bellach yn fyw

Domestic Homicide Review Statutory Guidance Consultation

UK Government have launched a public consultation seeking views on an updated version of the Domestic Homicide Review Statutory Guidance

Gwasanaeth Casglu a Throsglwyddo Meddygol Brys (EMRTS)

Diweddariad gan y Cydbwyllgor Comisiynu

Diweddariad ar Adolygiad Gwasanaeth Adalw a Throsglwyddo Meddygol Brys (EMRTS)

Cyfarfu Bwrdd Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys ddydd Iau 11 Ebrill i drafod ac ystyried argymhellion wedi'u diweddaru gan Adolygiad Gwasanaeth Adalw a...

Adolygiad o'r Gwasanaeth Casglu a Throsglwyddo Meddygol Brys (GCTMB).

Camau nesaf yr Adolygiad o'r Gwasanaeth Casglu a Throsglwyddo Argyfwng Meddygol (GCTMB)

Ymgynghoriad yr Awdurdod Safonau Proffesiynol ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Mae'r Awdurdod Safonau Proffesiynol yn ceisio barn pawb sydd â diddordeb mewn rheoleiddio gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, gan gynnwys cleifion, y...

Strategaeth iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol

Tîm therapi digidol BIAP yn cefnogi gweledigaeth iechyd meddwl y Llywodraeth

Fel gofalwr di-dâl ydych chi'n cyrchu'ch hawliau cyfreithiol?

Track the Act - Monitro Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) ar gyfer gofalwyr di-dâl


Ymunwch â Sgwrs Genedlaethol gyda Llais

Ydych chi eisiau helpu i lunio dyfodol gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol?

Age Cymru yn lansio pumed arolwg blynyddol o bobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru

Mae Age Cymru a’r sefydliadau allweddol sy’n cynrychioli pobl hŷn yng Nghymru wedi lansio eu pumed arolwg blynyddol Beth sy’n Bwysig i Chi o bobl dros...

Ymgynghoriad ar gofrestru proffesiynol gweithwyr chwarae – ymateb Chwarae Cymru

Mae Chwarae Cymru wedi cyhoeddi eu hymateb drafft i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar gofrestriad proffesiynol y gweithlu gwaith chwarae a gofal plant

Digwyddiad Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned Safonau Gofal Dementia

Cyfle i ddweud eich dweud wrth lunio Gofal Dementia ym Mhowys yn y dyfodol

Helpwch ni i fapio arfer da ledled Cymru

Rydym yn eich gwahodd i lenwi arolwg ar-lein a fydd yn ein galluogi i nodi llwyddiannau, heriau a syniadau pobl ynghylch gwneud chwaraeon a...

Rhannwch eich meddyliau a helpwch Llais i lunio gwell gofal i bawb

Cwblhewch arolwg byr i roi gwybod i Llais beth yw eich barn am eich Meddygfa Cleifion

Chwaraeon a Gweithgarwch Corfforol

Helpwch Brifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a Chwaraeon Cymru i fapio arfer da ledled y wlad


Mae Cyngor ar Bopeth Powys angen eich help

Helpwch nhw i benderfynu ble i gynnal sesiynau galw heibio wyneb yn wyneb ar draws y sir drwy gwblhau arolwg byr

Newidiadau arfaethedig i’r broses Gweithio i Wella

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisiau eich barn ar y ffordd y mae pryderon a chwynion am ofal y GIG yn cael eu codi, eu harchwilio ac ymateb iddynt

National Carers Strategy

All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Carers seeks unpaid carers' views on its call for a new National Carers Strategy

Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru

Lansio cam olaf yr ymgysylltu i adolygu a gwella’r gwasanaeth ambiwlans awyr yng Nghymru ymhellach


Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru - Arolwg Profiad Cleifion

Mae Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru yn cynnal Arolwg Profiad Cleifion ar-lein ar hyn o bryd


Cyllid asedau segur yng Nghymru: Pedwar digwyddiad newydd

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymgynghori ar ddibenion gwario’r dyfodol ar gyfer cyllid asedau segur* yng Nghymru.

Llais Powys

Adroddiad ar Yr Hyn a Glywsant yn Ystradgynlais ym mis Medi 2023

Sut mae cymunedau Cymru wedi ymateb i’r argyfwng costau byw?

Arolwg byr yn ymchwilio i effeithiau'r argyfwng costau byw ar sefydliadau cymunedol yng Nghymru ar ran Ymddiriedolaeth Adeiladu Cymunedau

Sylwadau ar Gynllun Datblygu Lleol (CDLl) Newydd Powys - Amcanion, Gweledigaeth a Materion Allweddol - croeso

Mae Cyngor Sir Powys ar hyn o bryd yn y camau cychwynnol o baratoi CDLl Nwyddau, a fydd yn cynllunio ar gyfer anghenion ardal CDLl Powys ar gyfer y...

Canfyddiadau Cam Un 'Sgwrs Gyda'r Cyhoedd' Comisiwn Bevan

Mewn cydweithrediad â Byrddau Iechyd GIG Cymru, Ymddiriedolaethau a Llais, bu Comisiwn Bevan yn cynnwys dinasyddion ledled Cymru mewn sgyrsiau am...

Diweddariad gan Bwyllgor Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Brys

Gwasanaeth Casglu a Throsglwyddo Meddygol Brys (GCTMB)

Dal yn amser i ddweud eich dweud ar gynigion ar gyfer newidiadau polisi a chyfraith i roi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru

Daw ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar y Papur Gwyn ar Derfynu Digartrefedd yng Nghymru i ben ar 16 Ionawr

Diweddariad gan Bwyllgor Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Brys

Gwasanaeth Casglu a Throsglwyddo Meddygol Brys (GCTMB)

Budget survey launched

The people of Powys, businesses and service users are being asked to share their views with the Council as part of the budget setting process.

Shropshire trust holding drop-in engagement session at Newtown

An opportunity for people in Mid-Wales people to chat with the team from The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust about their plans for services.

Gwasanaethau Mân Anafiadau yn Ysbyty Nevill Hall

Dweud eich dweud ar ddarpariaeth yn y dyfodol

Ymgynghoriad Cyllided Plismona

Neges gan Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu

Dweud eich dweud am eich gwasanaeth tân

Mae Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru Cynllun Rheoli Risk Cymunedol 2040

ymgynghoriad ar agor

Get Involved: Improving Stroke Care Services in South Central Wales

Cardiff and Vale and Cwm Taf Morgannwg university hospitals are asking people to share their experience of stroke care at their hospitals.

Office for Veterans Affairs

Consultation launched on needs of veterans and their families.

Consultation: Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping

A Consultation on the proposed action the UK Government and devolved administrations will take tackle smoking and youth vaping.

Nevill Hall Minor Injury Unit

Consultation period regarding proposed changes to opening hours extended.

Have your say on Day Opportunities

A wide scale engagement exercise about day opportunities across Powys has begun.

Mapping Cultural Provision for Ethnic Minority Older People

Message from the Centre for Adult Social Care Research (CARE).

Ymwybyddiaeth, ymgysylltu a chynrychiolaeth ar gynghorau cymuned a chynghorau tref: galwad am dystiolaeth

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi creu Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen Iechyd Democrataidd i adolygu iechyd cynghorau cymuned a thref yng Nghymru.

Papur Gwyn ar roi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisiau eich barn ar gynigion ar gyfer newidiadau i bolisi a’r gyfraith i roi terfyn ar ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru.

Sgwrs gyda'r Cyhoedd

Mae Comisiwn Bevan yn cynnal sgwrs genedlaethol i ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd wrth lunio’r ffordd yr ydym i gyd yn profi gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal...

Arolwg i gofnodi profiadau pobl hŷn o wasanaethau Meddygon Teulu

Neges oddi wrth Heléna Herklots CBE, Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru

Research Project- Expressions of Interest- Have you been pregnant or given birth in the last 2 years?

Have you been pregnant or given birth in the last two years and called NHS 111 Wales?

Consultation on the future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales

In June, we launched a public consultation on our proposals for a new approach to population statistics. Your input will be essential evidence in...

Dweud eich dweud! Helpwch i lunio dyfodol eich Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub!

A wyddoch chi fod ardal Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru bron yn 12,000 cilomedr sgwâr – sef bron i ddwy ran o dair o Gymru?

Ramblers Cymru: Paths and access questionnaire.

Ramblers Cymru would like to understand your views on the current state of paths in your local area.

Rebalancing Care and Support Programme.

Welsh Government want your views on draft proposals linked to the rebalancing care and support programme.

[Translate to Welsh:] Support to capture older people’s experiences of digital exclusion.

Mae technoleg ddigidol yn cael ei defnyddio fwy a mwy, sy’n golygu bod sut rydyn ni’n cyfathrebu ac yn cael gafael ar wasanaethau a gwybodaeth wedi...

Bwyd Powys Food Summit in October 2023.

Nick Burdekin, Powys Sustainable Food Places Co-ordinator, would like to come and talk to as many groups as possible in order to get your views around...

Adolygiad Hamdden Powys.

Mae Cyngor yn cynnal adolygiad o ganolfannau hamdden ym Mhowys, fel rhan o adolygiad ehangach o wasanaethau’r Cyngor.

The future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), want your views on plans for the transformation of our population and migration statistics.

Should the Older People's Commissioner's term office be extended to 7 years?

Welsh Government would like your views on extending the term of office from 4 years to 7 years.


Rebalancing Care and Support

Welsh Government is consulting on rebalancing care and support, with a focus on:Creation of a National Framework for Commissioned Care and Support,...

Powys Llais Consultation Invitation.

Have your say on how Llais can work with the people of Wales for better health and social care services.

Reading Well for Dementia.

The Reading Agency is reaching out to health and care organisations and networks to support the development of a new evidence-based Reading Well list...

Newidiadau arfaethedig i'r ddeddfwriaeth ar ofal cymdeithasol a gofal iechyd parhaus y GIG.

Newidiadau arfaethedig i'r ddeddfwriaeth ar ofal cymdeithasol a gofal iechyd parhaus y GIG – ymgynghoriad – crynodeb o’r ymatebion

Ymgynghoriad Cymru ar Gaffael Cyhoeddus Is-ddeddfwriaeth: Rhan 1

Mae'r cyntaf o ddau ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus chwe wythnos ar yr Is-ddeddfwriaeth mewn perthynas â’r Bil Caffael (y “Bil”) wedi lansio.

Carers UK Annual State of Caring survey launched.

Please share your experiences and help build a picture of what caring is like at the moment.

Ymgynghoriad ar yr Asesiad o’r Farchnad Dai Leol ar gyfer Powys

Mae Cyngor Sir Powys wedi dechrau paratoi ei asesiad o’r farchnad dai leol, ac mae’n ceisio adborth bellach. Mae’r asesiad yn cynnwys tystiolaeth am...

Anti-Racist Wales Further Education Research

Researchers would like to speak to people from ethnic minority backgrounds who are enrolled on (or have recently been enrolled on) Further Education,...

Bevan Commission Research Opportunity.

The future model of health and social care in Wales.

Social Care Wales Consultation.

Consultation on proposed changes to registration for social care managers.

Arolwg gweithgareddau Cynhwysiant Digidol

Mae arolwg gweithgareddau Cynhwysiant Digidol bellach yn agored i sefydliadau ar draws Cymru sy’n darparu cymorth digidol i bobl.

The Future Generations Commissioner - help set the course for the future

The Future Generations Commissioner is gathering information and speaking with a wide range of people and organisations to help shape Our Future...

Proposals to reform the ophthalmic services delivered in primary care in Wales.

Welsh Government want your views on proposals to reform the ophthalmic services delivered in primary care in Wales.

Lansio Ymgynghoriad ar y Rhaglen Ailgydbwyso Gofal a Chymorth.

Mae’r Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol heddiw wedi cyhoeddi lansiad ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar y Rhaglen Ailgydbwyso Gofal a Chymorth.

Have your say on government respiratory plans.

The government have said that they will work on a new strategy for major health conditions. They have committed to include respiratory in these plans.

Cynllun Cydraddoldeb Strategol 2024-28

Lansiwyd arolwg rhanbarthol gan bartneriaid y sector cyhoeddus i geisio barn gan bobl ar draws Sir Gâr, Ceredigion, Sir Benfro a Phowys, wrth...

Strategaeth y Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol.

Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi bod yn gweithio i ddatblygu cynllun cyflawni i gefnogi cam nesaf gweithredu Strategaeth y Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a...

Ein harolwg ffocws ar y dyfodol

Mae Swyddfa Comisiynydd Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol ar hyn o bryd yn gwneud gwaith (Ffocws ein Dyfodol) i lunio eu blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y saith...

Social Prescribing Network Manifesto.

The Social Prescribing Network steering committee has drafted a social prescribing manifesto to clarify the role of the Social Prescribing Network in...

Payment systems for social prescribing.

Are you able to provide information about models for payment of social prescribing delivery?

Single Unified Safeguarding Review (SUSR) Wales.

Consultation is now underway for the Single Unified Safeguarding Review (SUSR) statutory guidance.

EMRTS Service Review of Welsh Air Ambulance.

EASC is hosting an engagement process on the future airbase locations of the air ambulance in Wales.

Engagement Opportunity Wales Cancer Network

The Wales Cancer Network are excited to share with you their Meeting the Needs of People affected by cancer and Cancer Key Worker Survey.

Ymgynghoriad Safle Ysbyty Newydd Hywel Dda.

Ydych chi'n defnyddio gwasanaethau ysbyty yn Sir Gaerfyrddin neu Ceredigion? Fe’ch gwahoddir i ddweud eich dweud erbyn 19 Mai ar gynigion sy'n...

Powys Arts Strategy.

Richie Turner Associates have been commissioned by Powys County Council to devise a new Arts Strategy for the county. Working alongside Richie Turner...

Rhannwch eich barn a phrofiadau Gofal Cartref yng Nghymru.

Please see the invite from ADSS Cymru below.  Digwyddiad rhannu ar-lein i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth Gwahoddir unrhyw un sydd â phrofiad o ofal cartref...

Age Cymru launches its fourth annual survey of the over 50s in Wales.

Age Cymru and its partners have launched their fourth annual What Matters to You survey of the over 50s across Wales to gain a better understanding of...

Ymgynghoriad: Cefnogi pobl sydd â chyflyrau cronig

Hoffai’r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol glywed eich barn ar gefnogi pobl â chyflyrau cronig.

Home Office Community Safety Partnerships Review and Antisocial Behaviour Powers.

The Home Office review of Community Safety Partnerships has consultation launched on March 27th.

Arolwg Dementia Llywodraeth Cymru 2023

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi comisiynu Opinion Research Services (ORS) i gynnal gwerthusiad o'i Chynllun Gweithredu ar gyfer Dementia 2018-2022.

Gwerthusiad Grant Urddas Cyfnod - arolwg canolbwyntiau cymunedol.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gofyn i M·E·L Research werthuso’r Grant Urddas Mislif yn annibynnol.

Making Information About Cancer Accessible for Everyone.

Are you interested in making information about cancer appropriate and helpful for everyone who might need it?

Tell Healthy Working Wales Your Workplace Concerns by Taking Their 2023 Employer Survey.

Employers—Healthy Working Wales (HWW) wants to know your workplace health and wellbeing concerns and how they can help.

Making Information About Cancer Accessible for Everyone.

Are you interested in making information about cancer appropriate and helpful for everyone who might need it?

Powys Nature Partnerships.

The Powys Nature Partnership (PNP) are conducting focus groups to see what you think about nature recovery in Powys.

Museums Inspiring Memories.

Museums Inspiring Memories is a 3-year partnership project between Amgueddfa Cymru and Alzheimer’s Society Cymru, with the purpose of looking at how...

Pennu blaenoriaethau ar gyfer Llais i yn 2023-24.

Ym mis Ebrill 2023 bydd Llais, eich llais mewn iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol (Corff Llais y Dinesydd) yn cymryd lle CIC.

Powys Public Service Board Well-being Plan Consultation Launched

A consultation on the new Powys Well-being Plan was launched on Friday 27 January and runs until midnight on 19 April.

Dweud eich dweuch am Reoliadau Ailgylchu newydd

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymgynghori ar y Rheoliadau Ailgylchu ar gyfer y Sector Busnes, y Sector Cyhoeddus a’r Trydydd Sector, y disgwylir iddynt ddod...

Macmillan Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey - Findings Published.

The third Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey (WCPES) results have been published, which have shown that 92% of people with cancer in Wales treated...

Survey - The career journey of Social Prescribers.

Are you a UK based Social Prescriber? Are you interested in contributing to current research?

Gofyn am eich barn ar gais gan Bractis Grŵp Crucywel i gau Meddygfa Belmont yng Ngilwern

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys wedi cael cais gan Bractis Grŵp Crucywel i gau Meddygfa Belmont yng Ngilwern.

Diweddaru’r Strategaeth Tlodi Plant Digwyddiadau Ymgysylltu - Child Poverty Strategy Refresh Engagement events

Llenwch yr arolwg Smart Survey i fynegi diddordeb mewn ymuno â digwyddiadau ymgysylltu gwanwyn 2023.

Please complete the Smart Survey to express an...

Gwasanaethau Cochlea a BCHI yn Ne Cymru

Dyfodol y Gwasanaethau Dyfeisiau Mewnblaniad Clyw Arbenigol yn y De-Ddwyrain Cymru, y De-Orllewin Cymru a De Powys.

Delivering Transformation Grant Work Programme – 2022/23

Service provider survey on the continued impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on day opportunities, residential respite, and short break services.

Citizen Voice Body.

The Welsh Government are consulting about how the Citizen Voice Body will do its work and on NHS service change.

Macmillan Engagement Opportunity.

Macmillan’s Innovation Team are looking to understand people’s experience of work after a cancer diagnosis.

Police funding: An opportunity to share your views.

Dafydd Llywelyn, Police Commissioner for Dyfed Powys has launched a public consultation to help set the police precept level for the next financial...

Are you experiencing, or have you experienced loneliness?

Please share your experiences to help improve services.

WAST Reputation Audit.

WAST are interested to hear what you think about the Welsh Ambulance Service.

Canals, Communities and Well-being.

The focus of the Canals, Communities and Wellbeing project is to develop connections, within a corridor of 5km, along each side of the Montgomery and...

Gweledigaeth ar gyfer y Dyfodol – rydym am gael eich barn.

Mae gweledigaeth newydd gan Gyngor Sir Powys ar gyfer y dyfodol, ac mae'n eithaf syml - Cryfach Tecach Gwyrddach.

Action for Elders - Cost Of Living Survey.

Action For Elders want to hear from older people about how the rising cost of living is affecting you and the sacrifices you are having to make.

Have your say on WAST Integrated Medium Term Plan 2022-2025

This summer WAST shared their Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP) for 2022 -2025, which was approved by Welsh Government on 13 July.

Arolwg Profiad Cleifion Rhwydwaith Canser Cymru

Yn Rhwydwaith Canser Cymru, rydym yn rhoi cleifion, eu teuluoedd, a’u gofalwyr wrth galon ein gwaith i wella gwasanaethau canser a gofal yng Nghymru....

Social Prescribing Workshop focus group support.

Miller Research are running further engagement in the form of focus groups with individuals from five priority areas next week under the following...

The Powys Innovation Challenge Survey - Third Sector

Powys Teaching Health Board want your ideas or solutions! Tell them how you think they could transform and improve healthcare delivery and solve...

Bwrdd Crwn Gofalwyr sy’n Gweithio.

Bydd y digwyddiad drafod sut y gallwn gefnogi’r nifer cynyddol o gyflogeion yn y gweithle sy’n cydbwyso gwaith cyflog gyda chyfrifoldebau gofal...

Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru (WHSSC)

Mae Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru (WHSSC) yn ysgrifennu strategaeth 10 mlynedd newydd ar gyfer gwasanaethau arbenigol i drigolion Cymru...

Research around accessibility barriers for private hire vehicles.

An invitation to participate in research aiming to identify barriers and facilitators for disabled people when using taxis, private hire vehicles, or...

The Powys Innovation Challenge Survey - Third Sector

Powys Teaching Health Board want your ideas or solutions! Tell them how you think they could transform and improve healthcare delivery and solve...

Cael dweud eich dweud ar gyfranogiad cyhoeddus.

Mae Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021 yn gofyn i bob awdurdod lleol baratoi Strategaeth Cyfranogiad Cyhoeddus sy’n dynodi sut y...

Final Call for Third Sector Trends Study in Wales 2022.

You’ll probably have seen about this study by now. So far 5,080 voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises have joined so far in...

Arolwg Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru o Gostau Byw a'r Celfyddydau

Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn cynnal ymchwil i effaith y cynnydd mewn costau byw ar y sector. Rydym yn gofyn i unigolion a sefydliadau rannu eu...

Commissioning standards for Wales - CONSULTATION until 19/09/22

Mae'r Bwrdd Comisiynu Cenedlaethol yn gweithio gyda Grŵp Technegol Llywodraeth Cymru i godi safonau newydd ar gyfer cynllunio, casglu a rheoli...

Developing an Evidence-Based Glossary of Terms for Social Prescribing.

We need your knowledge about social prescribing and community connection!

Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru 2022 – DERBYN ENWEBIADAU NAWR

Mae Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru yn ôl o’r diwedd! Mae’r gwobrau, a drefnir gan CGGC, yn ddathliad o’r gwaith hanfodol mae mudiadau gwirfoddol yn ei wneud...

National Framework for Social Prescribing Consultation.

The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing has launched a consultation on the National Framework for Social Prescribing.

Your views on Age Cymru.

Age Cymru are working to develop their plan for 2023-2028, and would love to know what you think about them and their work.

Gofal Cymdeithasol a Gofal Iechyd parhaus y GIG | Consultation.

rydym wedi cyhoeddi ymgynghoriad ar newidiadau arfaethedig i ddeddfwriaeth sylfaenol ar ofal cymdeithasol a Gofal Iechyd Parhaus y GIG.

Draft action plan to end the abuse and neglect of older people in Wales.

Welsh Government is seeking your views on whether their draft action plan addresses the major risk factors facing people who are at risk of abuse or...

Have your say on the new Social Prescribing in Wales

WCVA are offering two sessions for community groups and organisations to comment on the new Social Prescribing Framework

Call for Evidence - Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022.

National Energy Action (NEA) is a national charity working to end fuel poverty across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Carers UK State of Caring Survey.

Carers UK are delighted to launch their State of Caring 2022 survey.

Strategaeth Arloesedd i Gymru.

Yr ymgynghoriad ar y strategaeth arloesi ddrafft i Gymru bellach yn fyw.

National Framework for Social Prescribing Consultation.

The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing has launched a consultation on the National Framework for Social Prescribing.

Arolwg Cyflogaeth a Sgiliau.

Mae busnesau a sefydliadau dros Canolbarth Cymru yn cael eu hannog i lenwi arolwg ar gyflogaeth a sgiliau.

Lingen Davies need your help.

This is an exciting opportunity for you to get involved in what is a really important programme for all those affected by cancer.

Changing Places for Wales.

TCC community leaders are taking action to get more #ChangingPlacesForWales. There are only around 50 of these specialist toilets in the whole of...

Treth Gyngor Decach

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi'r ymgynghoriad, 'Treth Gyngor Decach'. Mae'r ymgynghoriad hwn yn fyw rhwng 12 Gorffennaf a 4 Hydref 2022.

It's Your Move.

A chance for Powys residents to have their say about access to physical activity in their locality.

Lingen Davies need your help.

This is an exciting opportunity for you to get involved in what is a really important programme for all those affected by cancer.

Healthy Food Environment and Energy Drinks

Your opportunity to take part in a discussion on the Healthy Food Environment and Energy Drink consultations.

Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Personal Safety Study.

Workshop 2 will now take place Tuesday, 12th July, 6:30pm - 8:30pm at Northside Community Centre

COVID 19 Social Care Recovery Survey.

Share your experiences of social care services throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Invitation to Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Personal Safety Study

Sustrans Cymru are seeking your views and support in the second part of their consultation.

Young People & Healthy Food Environment Consultations

Welsh Government have recently published two consultations about healthy food environments and ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young...

Improving disabled people’s access to let residential premises.

The Welsh Government want your views on proposals to require landlords to make reasonable adjustments to common parts of let properties (such as...

The Development of Community Hubs in Powys Libraries.

Powys Library Service is researching how they could support residents to access digital technology and services, through the development of community...

It's Your Move!

A chance for Powys residents to have their say about access to physical activity in their locality.

Dementia Listening Campaign Powys

We need you and you and you !!!!

Patients in Wales – make your voice heard!

Sara Moseley, Head of the General Medical Council (GMC) in Wales talks about this key opportunity to have a say in good medical practice.

Post pandemic interim homelessness measures.

The Welsh Government want your views on changes to homelessness provision to ensure no one is left to sleep rough in Wales.

Healthy food environment.

The Welsh Government want your comments on proposals to improve making healthier food choices.

Anghenion Hyfforddiant y Sector Gwirfoddol ym Mhowys.

Mae PAVO yn gweithio ar y cyd â Chyngor Sir Powys a Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i edrych ar anghenion hyfforddi’r sector gwirfoddol ym Mhowys.

RNIB Quality of Life Survey.

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) wants to know more about the experiences of people living with a vision impairment in the UK...

Strategaeth Gwasanaethau Clinigol BIPBC

BIPBC yn croesawy mewnbwn gan ein dinesyddion i'n helpu i ddatblygu a gwella gwasanaethau iechyd ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru.

Rhannwch eich barn ar ein Fframwaith Iechyd a Lles drafft

Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn datblygu Fframwaith Iechyd a Lles ar gyfer y sector, a nodwyd fel cam gweithredu allweddol yn strategaeth y gweithlu...

Gwahoddiad i Astudiaeth Diogelwch Personol y Drenewydd a Llanllwchaearn

Mae Cyngor Sir Powys yn gweithio gydag Amey Consulting a Sustrans Cymru i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd o wneud y llwybr di-draffig rhwng Llanllwchaearn a’r...

Crime survey for England and Wales - redesign consultation.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Centre for Crime and Justice (CCJ) have today launched a consultation on the Crime Survey for England...

Community events at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.

Advance notice of SaTH's June, July and August community engagement events as the holiday season approaches.

We need your knowledge about social prescribing and community connection!

An invite to take part in a research study into the language and terminology associated with social prescribing.

Trauma Informed Wales - public consultation

Trauma-Informed Wales: A Societal Approach to understanding, preventing and supporting the

impacts of Trauma and Adversity



Mae prosiect newydd a chyffrous i Fapio a Gwerthuso’r Sector Gwaith Ieuenctid Gwirfoddol yng Nghymru wedi'i lansio!

Ymgynghoriad safonau hyfforddiant diogelu cenedlaethol

Hoffwn ni glywed eich barn a’ch syniadau am y safonau hyfforddiant diogelu cenedlaethol arfaethedig, sydd wedi’u cydgynhyrchu gan grŵp datblygu...

RNIB's Vision Impairment Survey

Do you have a vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses? RNIB wants to hear from you!


Have you been shielding during the pandemic?

Aberystwyth University are looking for people who have been shielding during the pandemic to take part in a series of online guided writing...

Arolwg Adroddiad Sefydlogrwydd y Farchnad

Crëwyd yr arolwg canlynol i gasglu eich barn i gefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu Adroddiad Sefydlogrwydd Marchnad Powys (MSR) ar ddigonolrwydd a...

Survey Invitation - Adult palliative care services in Wales.

NHS Wales are seeking your help with their ongoing work to confirm an outcome set to use across adult palliative care services as a measure of the...

How do you find health and wellbeing information in Powys?

We'd like to know how you find out information about wellbeing services (including health and care services) in the county.

LGBTQ+ Substance use and Treatment Experience Survey.

The University of South Wales want to find out more about the experiences of LGBTQ+ groups in relation to their alcohol and drug use. The survey also...

Are you Transgender, Non Binary or Questioning your gender identity?

If so Powys Pride are looking for members to join their informal focus group.

Appeal for storytellers to support the Macmillan Deaf Cancer Support Project media launch.

Macmillan are looking for deaf people affected by cancer across the UK to share their experience to help us raise awareness of a new project to...

Dweud eich dweud ar ‘Strategaeth Arloesi newydd Cymru’

Estynnir gwahoddiad ichi gymryd rhan mewn darn pwysig o waith sy’n cael ei gyflawni dros yr wythnosau nesaf, a fydd, gobeithio, o ddiddordeb ichi.

Dweud eich dweud am ddyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru

Mae'r Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru wedi cyhoeddi gwahoddiad i ymuno â sgwrs genedlaethol am y ffordd y caiff Cymru ei rhedeg.

Newly appointed Social Care employee survey.

Welsh Government want to hear views from all new social care staff who started work from July 2021.

Ymgynghoriad ar Ddiogeliadau Amddiffyn Rhyddid (LPS)

Mae’r Ymgynghoriad ar Ddiogeliadau Amddiffyn Rhyddid wedi cael ei lansio erbyn hyn, a bydd yn cael ei gynnal am gyfnod o 16 wythnos rhwng 7 Mawrth ac...

[Translate to Welsh:] Social Prescribing Glossary.

Rydym yn y broses o ddatblygu rhestr termau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ar gyfer rhagnodi cymdeithaso

Gweithio Hybrid yn y Trydydd Sector Cymreig

Cynlluniwyd yr arolwg hwn i ddeall yn well sut y gallem ddatblygu a chofleidio ffyrdd newydd o weithio.

Diverse Cymru and Marie Curie project on bereavement experiences.

If you have been bereaved and feel you would be able to talk about it in a small group, Marie Curie would be very grateful for your support.

Liberty Protection Safeguard consultation.

The Welsh Government consultation on the draft regulations for Wales that will support the implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguard is now...

Training Needs Analysis

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the first skills survey for our Training Needs Analysis as you may be aware PAVO are working in...

Don't let the Welsh Government Plan for dying people run out.

Marie Curie have recently joined forces with the Motor Neurone Disease Association in Wales to launch a petition, "Don’t let the plan run out for...

Help SaTH set priorities for Public Participation

SaTH Public Participation 5 year plan was agreed by Trust Board in October 2021 after many months of community engagement, with thousands of different...

National consultation asks public to help create a smoke-free Wales by 2030

The Welsh Government is calling on people across the country to join a national consultation that will shape its strategy to make Wales smoke-free by...

Age Cymru - Covid 19 Survey

National survey of the pandemic landscape for the over 50s in Wales launched.

Wales Mental Health & Wellbeing Forum - Get Involved!

Would you like to influence decision making about mental health services in Wales?

Supporting Social Care Innovation in Wales.

Social Care Wales is working with a team from People Powered Results at Nesta and Y Lab of Cardiff University to discover what they can do to support...

Women urged to take part in survey to shape services in the future.

More than 2,000 women have filled out a survey on women’s health but health bosses are urging more to take part and help shape services in the future....

Gwella canlyniadau canser y coluddyn yng Nghymru.

Sut allwn ni wella lefelau goroesi canser y coluddion yng Nghymru? Rhannwch eich barn

Ymgyrch Un Mewn 500 er mwyn helpu i ddylanwadu ar ddyfodol digidol yng Nghymru

Mae’r pandemig COVID wedi trawsnewid perthynas pawb gyda’r digidol, boed hynny yn y modd yr ydych yn rhyngweithio â

chydweithwyr neu’n darparu...

Dadansoddiad o Anghenion Hyffordd

Mae PAVO yn gweithio ar y cyd â Chyngor Sir Powys a Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i edrych ar anghenion hyfforddi’r sector gwirfoddol ym Mhowys.


Ymgynghoriad cynllun gweithlu iechyd meddwl

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn ymgynghori ar y camau gweithredu allweddol a fydd yn ffurfio sylfeini'r cynllun gweithlu iechyd meddwl amlbroffesiynol ar gyfer...

Hysbysiad cyhoeddus Arolwg Llesiant

Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn awyddus i glywed am eich profiadau chi o ran cael cyfarfodydd yn ymwneud â lles gyda’ch Cyngor Sir lleol.

Fuel Poverty & Warm Homes Programme.

A public consultation has opened on the next iteration of the Warm Homes Programme and the role it can play to tackle fuel poverty

Mental Health Provision for people with hearing loss.

The Welsh Health & Social Care Committee are looking for people with lived experience of hearing loss, or who are deaf, or professionals who have...

Is your community a passionate community in Wales?

Royal Mencap Society are looking to work with lots of different groups and individuals in one area in Wales who are passionate about making their...

Ymchwil ar gyflogi Cynorthwywyr Personol ym maes Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.

Rydym am siarad â Chynorthwywyr Personol a Chyflogwyr yng Nghymru i helpu i nodi a deall materion allweddol, nodi arfer gorau ac opsiynau ar gyfer...

SaTH Proposed service change information.

SaTH are proposing a potential change to renal dialysis services which are currently being provided at the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.

[Translate to Welsh:] NHS Wales Perinatal Health surveys.

Women's Health Improvement Group and Perinatal Mental Health Network have partnered on a joint ‘Perinatal Health’ project for NHS Wales.

Dweud eich dweud ar sut mae Powys yn mynd i'r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd

Ar ôl datgan argyfwng newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ymrwymo i leihau allyriadau carbon i sero net erbyn 2030, hoffai Cyngor Sir Powys yn awr gael eich...

Inquiry into challenging decisions about adult social care.

The Equality & Human Rights Commission have launched an inquiry into how older and disabled adults and unpaid carers can challenge local council...

Ap GIG Cymru - eich barn

Mae Gwasanaethau Digidol ar gyfer Cleifion Cyhoedd, sy’n cael eu rhedeg gan Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru, wedi dechrau gweithio ar Ap GIG Cymru.

Important research into homelessness in Powys.

Important research is underway into Homelessness / Threatened Homelessness in Powys. This will inform decisions on the future commissioning of...

Lleoliadau ar gyfer gweithgaredd creadigol

Wrth i grwpiau creadigol ddechrau ailymgynnull ar ôl cyfyngiadau’r pandemig, mae Bywydau Creadigol (Celfyddydau Gwirfoddol gynt) eisiau clywed am y...

Arolwg Cymru Hydref 2021

Dod allan o’r pandemig: ydych chi’n barod i baratoi ar gyfer y dyfodol ac i godi arian?

Children's Art Club Survey

Can you spare a few minutes of you time?

Llesiant ym Mhowys

Mae’r Asesiad Lles yn rhywbeth y mae’n rhaid i ni ei wneud fel rhan o Ddeddf Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru).

Holiadur CIC Powys ar gyfer rhanddeiliaid.

Fe fyddai Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Powys (CIC) yn hoffi eich barn a’ch syniadau ar yr hyn rydych chi’n meddwl y DYLEN ni fod yn gwneud er mwyn...

Arolwg Lles Gogledd Powys

Mae pobl o fewn Gogledd Powys yn cael eu holi am eu safbwyntiau ar gynlluniau cynnar campws iechyd a lles amlasiantaethol yn y Drenewydd.

Future Beacons - Consultation period now open.

The Authority has developed a new Management Plan which is referred to as Future Beacons.

Cynorthwywyr Personol yng Nghymru – rydyn ni'n awyddus i glywed gennych chi!

Mae ymchwil yn cael ei gynnal gan Brifysgol De Cymru (USW) a Data Cymru ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru (LlC) i wella'r wybodaeth a'r ddealltwriaeth am...

Third Wales Wellbeing Survey

Wales Wellbeing are running a series of surveys which aim to look at the impact of coronavirus on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the...

Lansio’r Fframwaith Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng Nghymru

Heddiw, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant wedi cyhoeddi lansiad y Fframwaith Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng...

Wales Mental Health & Wellbeing Forum - Formal Consultation

The Wales Mental Health & Wellbeing Forum have been commissioned by Welsh Government to develop National Guidance and lay out recommendations for best...

Cyfle i ddylanwadu: y sector gwirfoddol a Chyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru

Mae Pwyllgor Cyllid Senedd Cymru yn cynnal ymgynghoriad ar flaenoriaethau ar gyfer Cyllideb Ddrafft 2022-23 Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd.

From Period Poverty to Period Dignity.

Jane Hutt, Minister for Social Justice has launched the consultation on the Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan.

Invitation to take part in our research on technology and social connections among older adults

The Welsh Government has commissioned researchers at the University of Bath and the Welsh Centre for Public Policy to investigate if and how...

UK Bereavement Commission: Call for Evidence

The UK Bereavement Commission is looking for experiences of grief to help improve the bereavement support available to people across the country.

Ending homelessness: A high level action plan – 2021-2026

How we will end homelessness in Wales.


Ymchwil i brofiadau dynion hŷn sydd mewn perygl o, neu sy'n profi, cam-drin domestig

Mae Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru yn comisiynu ymchwil i brofiadau dynion hŷn o gam-drin domestig a’r rhwystrau a allai fod yn eu hatal rhag gofyn am...

Tell us about your experience of leaving hospital.

The British Red Cross is carrying out research on hospital discharge (leaving hospital) in Wales, which seeks to understand the impact of changes made...

Carers Rights Campaign

Welsh Government have a promotional campaign that will be launching this autumn, which is being supported by Carers Wales and Carers Trust Wales.

Ospreys in the Community - Mens' Mental Health Project

To coincide with Men's Health Week, Ospreys in the Community, in partnership with Public Health Wales, is embarking on a new project to tackle men’s...

Ymgynghoriad Llunio Dyfodol Cymru

Rydym yn cysylltu â chi i roi gwybod ichi am y camau rydym yn eu cymryd i wella llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yng Nghymru a sut y gallwch fod yn...

Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru eisiau clywed gennych chi ...

Galw allan i sefydliadau / darparwyr gwasanaeth i gael mwy o wybodaeth am fodelau gwerth cymdeithasol darparu gwasanaeth

Ymgynghoriad ar Gynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+ Llywodraeth Cymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi lansio ymgynghoriad yn ddiweddar ar ei Gynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+ newydd i Gymru.

State of Caring 2021 survey

State of Caring is the most comprehensive survey into the experiences of caring and has helped to make the case for improved support for carers over...

Be The Change - Consultation from Empower.

Making Wales’ social business economy thrive through the right leadership and team training.

Summer Consultation on the priorities of the Sixth Senedd

The Health and Social Care Committee are inviting individuals and organisations to share their views on the initial priorities identified by the...

NICE open consultation on draft guidelines for disabled children

This applies to disabled children and young people up to age 25 with severe complex needs.

Strategaeth Gwydnwch Genedlaethol y DU

Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi lansio ymgynghoriad yn ddiweddar ar Strategaeth Gwydnwch Genedlaethol arfaethedig (NRS) i wella lefel y gwydnwch ledled y...

infoengine arolwg

Rydyn ni eisiau clywed am eich profiadau o ddefnyddio infoengine a sut rydych chi'n ei weld yn datblygu yn y dyfodol.

Arolwg gwydnwch y sector gwirfoddol

Mae CGGC yn edrych ar ffyrdd i helpu i adeiladu a chynnal gwydnwch y sector gwirfoddol yng Nghymru.

Arolwg Cyflwr Gofalu 2021

Mae’r Arolwg Cyflwr Gofalu yw ymchwil fwyaf cynhwysfawr y DU i fywydau a phrofiad gofalwyr ac mae arolwg 2021 nawr ar agor.



Health and Social Care: Priorities for the Sixth Senedd

The Health and Social Care Committee has been set up by the Senedd to look at policy and legislation, and to hold the Welsh Government to account on...

Public Health Wales COVID-19 Vaccination campaign survey

Can you help Public Health Wales shape future vaccination services?

Barriers to accessing the Brecon Beacons National Park

After the last year and a half, getting outdoors for health and wellbeing has become even more important and areas such as National Parks are known to...

Census 2021 outputs consultation.

The Census 2021 outputs consultation has been launched. It outlines proposals for the content design and shape of the release plans for Census 2021...

Tell us what you Need

Wales Council Voluntary Action (WCVA) have engaged the social enterprise Grow Social Capital to undertake an enquiry into voluntary sector resilience...

Helping End Homelessness in Powys

Bringing people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness together with third (community/voluntary), public and private sector people to co-design...

Mae dal i fod amser i gyfrannu at Gynllun Llesiant Powys

Ydych chi wedi llenwi’r arolwg ‘Byw ym Mhowys’ eto? Mae dal i fod amser i ddweud eich dweud.

How has the Social Services & Well-being Act changed your life and your well-being?

The Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care are keen to understand the impact of the Social Services & Well-being Act.

Young Person's Mental Health Survey

Mental Health Amongst Young People During COVID-19

Arolwg Cynlluniau'r Gweithlu

Yn dilyn lansiad Cymru Iachach: Ein Strategaeth Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi comisiynu'r Sefydliad...

Arolwg Incwm y Sector Gwirfoddol

Helpu i lunio darlun o weithgarwch codi arian yng Nghymru.

Your Policing Service - Your Choice

Can you help to shape the future of the Police & Crime plan for Dyfed Powys?

[Translate to Welsh:] WCVA Futures Exercise Survey 2021 Voluntary Sector Strategic Planning

Ydych chi’n gwirfoddoli neu’n gweithio gyda mudiad gwirfoddol? Byddem yn dwli cael eich mewnbwn yn ein harolwg:

Multi-agency Town Centre Hubs

Many towns are struggling in the wake of declining retail sales and the way we use town centres has changed.

Arolwg Trefniadaeth Gwirfoddolwyr

Mae Wavehill yn cynnal arolwg ar ran CGGC i'w helpu i ddeall profiad pobl o ddefnyddio gwefan Gwirfoddoli Cymru ynwell, a sut y gall safle gwirfoddoli...

Byw ym Mhowys – Llywio ein Cynllun Llesiant

Gofynnir i drigolion ar hyd a lled Powys helpu i lywio cynllun llesiant nesaf y sir.

Day service and Respite breaks - User Survey

The pandemic has affected and changed the lives of many people, including those who receive care and support

Voluntary Sector Income survey

Are you involved in fundraising in Wales?

Beth wnaethoch chi i helpu eraill yn ystod COVID-19?

Mae'r nifer uchaf erioed ohonom wedi helpu pobl mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru ers dechrau'r pandemig COVID-19.

Older Person's Consultation session on the Welsh Government’s Proposed Race Equality Action

The Welsh Government has proposed a vision for an anti-racist Wales which includes many actions to improve racial equality in Wales

Helpwch Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i gyrraedd gwirfoddolwy

Mae cefnogaeth a arweinir gan y gymuned wedi bod yn hynod werthfawr yn ystod pandemig COVID-19, gan fod y nifer uchaf erioed o bobl yng Nghymru wedi...

Cymerwch ran a mynegwch eich barn ar ddyfodol ein gwasanaethau radiotherapi

Mae'r cynlluniau ar gyfer y Ganolfan Lloeren Radiotherapi (RSC) yn Ysbyty Nevill Hall yn mynd rhagddynt ac rydym nawr yn gofyn i'n cleifion, eu...

Learning from the community response to COVID-19 in Wales

The Research and Evaluation Division at Public Health Wales, in partnership with University of Bristol and Wales Council for Voluntary Action, have...

Support a Fair Deal for Unpaid Carers

Carers Trust are asking you to call on your local Senedd to get national attention for unpaid carers.

Astudiaeth o anghenion a phrofiadau gofalwyr Du a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig (BAME) yng Nghymru.

Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru yn cynnal astudiaeth o anghenion a phrofiadau gofalwyr Du a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig (BAME) yng Nghymru. Bydd hyn yn...

Carers UK Survey

Carers UK have launched a new survey for unpaid carers to help understand carers' experience of health services, support services and breaks during...

Getting Clever Together!

Your views matter, make a difference and join the conversation at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.

Fframwaith Cenedlaethol drafft ar gyfer Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng Nghymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi datblygu Fframwaith Cenedlaethol drafft ar gyfer Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng Nghymru

Ymchwil Clore Leadership Wales

Mae Clore Social Leadership, mewn partneriaeth â Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, yn bwriadu lansio rhaglen datblygu arweinyddiaeth ar gyfer y trydydd...

Census 2021

It is not too late to complete and return the form.

Healthy Working Wales

Healthy Working Wales is keen to hear from a wide range of employers in Wales to better understand the current and future health impacts on...

Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng Nghymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi datblygu Fframwaith Cenedlaethol drafft ar gyfer Darparu Gofal mewn Profedigaeth yng Nghymru (gweler y ddolen we isod) ac...

Stroke Survivors & the COVID 19 Vaccine

The Stroke Association are trying to find out what stroke/ TIA survivors think about the COVID vaccine

Arolwg ar Brofiadau Gofal Iechyd Meddwl yng Nghymru

Arolwg Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru a Uned Gomisiynu Cydweithredol Genedlaethol GIG Cymru ar Brofiadau Gofal Iechyd Meddwl yng Nghymru

Proposed Specialist CAMHS Service Improvement Framework

Proposed Specialist CAMHS Service Improvement Framework. This document is now being issued for a 6-week consultation from 1st March 2021 to 12th April...

[Translate to Welsh:] Can You Support Social Care Wales to Shape Services.

Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn awyddus i ddeall y rôl hanfodol y mae'r trydydd sector yn ei chwarae yng Nghymru i gyflawni'r nodau a nodir yn y...

Hunan-reolaeth sglerosis ymledol

Mae diddordeb mawr gennym ddarganfod sut ydych yn rheoli eich MS orau a sut y gall MS Cymru fod o gymorth i chi yn y dyfodol.

Age Cymru are looking for responses to their COVID 19 Survey

Are you able to feedback on experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the current Covid-19 lockdown?

The Census is Here

The census is a survey about all the households in England and Wales. The next census takes place on Sunday 21 March 2021.

Survivor Engagement Mid & West Wales

Across Mid & West Wales public sector and third sector providers come together to plan and deliver services and activities around Violence Against...

British Liver Trust Survey

Are you a liver patient in Wales, or do you care for someone with a liver condition in Wales?

Modern Working Practices: Have your say in our research

Chwarae Teg are carrying out research around Modern Working Practices as part of our Welsh Government funded work and running a series of focus group...

Etholiad y Senedd 2021 - Dweud eich Dweud

Ydych chi’n gweithio gyda chymunedau a grwpiau ledled Cymru? Beth am gymryd rhan yn un o sesiynau ymgysylltu ar-lein am ddim y Senedd, lle gallwch chi...

Your Views on Vascular Services in South East Wales

There are a number of growing challenges facing vascular services in South East Wales, meaning the service cannot be sustained in its current format...

Substance Misuse Treatment Framework: Alcohol-related Brain Damage

The consultation for the ‘Substance Misuse Treatment Framework on Alcohol-Related Brain Damage’ is open

The Gambling Act Review - Have Your Say

The government is reviewing current laws related to gambling through the ‘Gambling Act Review’.

How do You Currently Train Your Volunteers? - Survey

A wnewch chi gymryd ychydig funudau i ymateb i'r arolwg byr hwn, sy'n edrych ar sut rydych chi'n hyfforddi'ch gwirfoddolwyr ar hyn o bryd.

Changing Places toilets and baby nappy changing facilities

Welsh Government want your views on increasing provision of Changing Places toilets and baby nappy changing facilities in certain types of buildings.

Gwella'ch Taith Canser yn Powys

Os ydych chi'n byw gyda chanser mae rhaglen o'r enw " Gwella'r Daith Canser ym Mhowys," yn ceisio cydlynu cymorth yn well i bobl ar ol cael diagnosis....

Wales COVID-19 Wellbeing Survey 2

We want to find out how the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has affected the wellbeing of the Welsh population. Please take 10-15 minutes and tell us how...

Are you a Third Sector organisation providing care and support in Powys?

Then we'd love you to join us for a discussion on the Welsh Government White Paper Rebalancing Care & Support.

Help to shape End of Life Care services.

Powys Teaching Health Board Charitable Funds has recently awarded monies to enhance End of Life Care and Bereavement Support in our Community...

Mental Health and Well being survey

The Game Change Project is looking to learn local people's views on what helps them maintain good mental health and well-being.

Bwrdd Partneriaeth Ranbarthol Powys, mae Prifysgol Abertawe

Mewn partneriaeth â Bwrdd Partneriaeth Ranbarthol Powys, mae Prifysgol Abertawe ar hyn o bryd yn cynnal prosiect ymchwil sy'n ceisio nodi'r holl...

The Future of Unpaid Carers

Cardiff University are carrying out research on behalf of Public Health Wales to explore how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on unpaid carers, and...

End of Life Care Public Survey

Powys Teaching Health Board Charitable Funds has recently awarded monies to enhance End of Life Care and Bereavement Support in our Community...

People with learning disabilities in Wales - COVID19

Learning Disability Wales is trying to find 200 people with learning disabilities in Wales who would be willing to talk about their experiences and...

Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn - Galwad am Straeon y Gaeaf

Wrth i ni nesáu at aeaf anarferol iawn a allai fod yn anodd i bob un ohonom, hoffai Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru wneud yn siŵr bod lleisiau a phrofiadau...

Cyfle i helpu llunio dyfodol Powys

Mae cais i drigolion ym Mhowys i helpu llunio gweledigaeth hir dymor ar gyfer y cyngor sir, sy’n anelu at ddiogelu dyfodol y sir.


Termination of pregnancy arrangements in Wales

Welsh Government would like your views on whether to continue to allow home use for early medical abortion up to 10 weeks gestation after the...


Mae Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Powys (CIC) yn gofyn ichi am eich barn a’ch syniadau ar yr hyn rydych chi’n ei feddwl y DYLEN ni ei wneud er mwyn...

Eich tref, eich dyfodol!

Mae COVID-19 wedi cael effaith ar Gymru gyfan. Mae wedi cyflwyno heriau gwirioneddol i fusnesau, manwerthwyr, cyrff cyhoeddus, aelodau etholedig a...

Elusennau cenedlaethol yn lansio arolwg i bobl hŷn sy’n gofalu am anwyliaid

Dymuna Age Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru ddeall yn well anghenion gofalwyr ‘cudd’

Gofal Cymdeithasol eisiau clywed eich barn

Rydyn ni eisiau clywed eich barn am iechyd a llesiant ar gyfer y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol

Effective strategies for chronic diseases prevention.

Opinions of healthcare providers sought for research in to chronic disease prevention.

SATH Public Participation Strategy Survey

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) are currently developing a Public Participation Strategy that will support them in involving and...

Pregnancy Choices with Kidney Disease

Invitation to take part in a study to learn more about women’s experiences of kidney disease, decisions about having children and their experiences of...

Powys People's Panel

The Powys People's Panel is a group of residents that take part in surveys and other opportunities to express their views on council services and...

Arolwg ymgysylltu Sgrinio a Brechu COVID-19 Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru

Mewn ymateb i bandemig COVID-19, gohiriwyd rhai o wasanaethau sgrinio’r GIG. Wrth i wasanaethau gael eu hail-gyflwyno, mae Timau Ymgysylltu â Sgrinio...

Eich barn ar wasanaethau fferylliaeth ym Mhowys.

Rydyn ni eisiau clywed eich barn ar wasanaethau fferylliaeth ym Mhowys.

Committee to kick-off new inquiry by exploring digital exclusion

The COVID-19 Committee is to start taking oral evidence in its new inquiry looking at the long-term impact on wellbeing of an increasing reliance on...

Arts Council of Wales and National Museums Wales Widening Engagement Research Project

ACW and NMW need to hear what Deaf led organisations, Deaf support support organisations and individual Deaf people themselves have to say about...

Council survey for deaf and hard of hearing residents

Deaf and hard of hearing people in Powys are being asked for their views on how the council can communicate with them.

Public Consultation for new National Plan for Carers is live and £1million Carers Support Fund

Welsh Government is preparing a new national plan for carers.

Have your say on Social Care Wales' priorities for the next five years

Social care and early years in Wales will need to be very different in five years’ time to respond to changing demographic, economic and social needs.

Minimum Pricing for Alcohol Research

Welsh Government are interested in the impact of the recent implementation of a minimum price for alcohol on people with substance dependencies.

Code of practice on provision of autism services

This consultation is seeking views on the Code of Practice on the Delivery of Autism Services under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014...

Tackling fuel poverty 2020 to 2035

This consultation seeks views on the Welsh Government’s proposed plan for tackling fuel poverty in Wales between 2020 and 2035.

What future does your community want?

WCVA are looking for community organisations who want to support people in their communities to shape their future.

Survey on GP Access During COVID-19 Pandemic

Mae COVID-19 wedi newid y ffordd y mae apwyntiadau yn cael eu cynnal gan y GIG. Hoffai CIC Powys glywed profiad ac adborth claf am apwyntiadau yn eu...

COVID-19 & VCSE Organisation Responses

Nottingham Trent University and NCVO are conducting a COVID-19 Barometer survey to establish how the pandemic is affecting the voluntary sector on a...

Embedding a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being

Welsh Government want your views on framework guidance on embedding a whole-school approach to mental health and emotional well-being.

Carers Leave Consultation

Please respond to Government consultation, and complete the survey, to ensure working carers have a new right to take carer's leave

What should Welsh Government to do for carers in their post-Covid recovery agenda?

Welsh Government has issued an invitation to the people of Wales to submit their thoughts on how they support recovery and reconstruction in Wales,...

Macmillan Wales Engagement Network.

Have you had a cancer experience? Would you like to share your voice with Macmillan Cancer Support to help to influence the shape of support in the...

Gwahoddiad i fynychu Fforwm Anabledd PHW COVID-19

Dydd Mercher, 15 Gorffennaf rhwng 2 pm-3pm ar Dimau Microsoft.

Wales Wellbeing Survey

Assessing the impact of coronavirus on the mental health and emotional well-being of the population of Wales.

Research group required for study into retirement

CADR are looking for people who would be willing to spend a few hours with them in developing research ideas for a study that Dr Martin Hyde is hoping...

Welsh Government launches Inquiry into Covid 19 impact on culture.

The Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the Covid-19 outbreak in Wales.The Committee will examine the...

SATH Community Engagement Events

An invitation to join SATH in their community engagement meetings.

Clean Air Plan for Wales

Welsh Government want your views on our approach to reducing air pollution in Wales.

How does an old person cross the road?

Can you help the Older People's commissioner with your views about older people and road safety?

Amendments to the organ donation regulations

Welsh Government are seeking your views on amendments to the organ donation regulations

Managing the transition from children's to adults' healthcare services

Welsh Government are consulting on guidance for healthcare services, dealing with children and young people as they move to adults’ services.

Builth Wells Parking Study

The North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, on behalf of the Welsh Government, is currently carrying out a parking study on the A483 Garth Road, Builth...

Powys CHC Dementia Survey - (Rhwydwaith Machynlleth Network)

Powys Community Health Council are currently running a survey to find out about the quality of care provided to people living with dementia.

Changes to disabled students’ allowances

Welsh Government are seeking your views on proposed changes to disabled students’ allowances (DSAs).

Have Your Say on the Next Steps on the North Powys Wellbeing Programme

Building on the views heard during the recent phase of community and professional engagement from 14 June 2019 to 16 September 2019, the PTHB have...

PTHB Equality Objectives 2020/24

Powys Teaching Health Board is seeking your feedback on our proposed Equality Objectives for 2020 – 2024.

Caereinion Medical Practice

You are invited to a public exhibition of the proposed development for new Health Care centre in Llanfair Caereinion.

Wales Public Body Equality Partnership Public Consultation

You are invited to take part in the Wales Public Body Equality Partnership consultation on their Equality Objectives and actions for 2020 to 2024.

Social Care Employment Review

The Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC), University of South Wales has been commissioned by Welsh Government to undertake a review of...

PAVO Stakeholder Feedback 2019

At PAVO we aim to continually improve the ways in which we provide services to the third sector in Powys. We would be very grateful if you would once...

Virtual Consultation Workshops for Commissioners, Funders & Procurement Officers

NCVO would like to invite you personally to become involved in the development of an additional unit for NCVO Trusted Charity quality mark by...

A Healthier Wales

Welsh Government and Powys Regional Partnership Board are hosting two half-day events where you can find out more about how health and social care...

Time to spend a penny?

Powys County Council launched a Public Toilet Strategy in May 2019.


The aim of the strategy is to sustain and improve access to public toilets in a...

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