Grants for 1-year or for up to 5 years totalling £100,000 are available to UK registered charities and charitable organisations working in the UK and/or overseas for projects which can help mitigate the damaging effects that humanity is having on the environment and contribute to a positive change both now and in the future.
o Application deadline: SUNDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 2024 for applications to the Marine Programme. FRIDAY 1st NOVEMBER 2024 for applications to the Tropical Rainforests programme.
o Funder: The Waterloo Foundation (founded 1982. Charity number 1117535. Total charitable expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2022: £11,627,028).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities and charitable organisations working in the UK and/or with Non-Governmental Organisations overseas. Please note that all applicants should have an Environmental Policy.
o Key words: Marine Projects, Halting Declining Fish Stocks, Protecting Tropical Rainforests, Climate, Biodiversity, Overseas, Wales (for Marine projects), United Kingdom.
The Waterloo Foundation supports World development in the poorest countries (although it does not fund disaster relief), the environment (particularly sustainable projects addressing climate change), and child development (especially psychological research and mental health). The Foundation’s Marine priority within its Environment Grant programme has a focus on supporting sustainable fisheries in Wales. Otherwise, priority is given to UK-based registered charities and charitable organisations.
The Foundation’s Environment Grant Programme supports projects which can help mitigate the damaging effects that humans are having on the environment and contribute to a positive change both now and in the future. The fund has two main programmes:
1. Marine – preference will be given to initiatives working to halt the decline of fish stocks that communities in developing countries rely on, and those working to bring about sustainable fisheries in Wales. The Foundation will consider both practical local projects, and strategic initiatives. The protection of mangroves and seagrasses to benefit local fisheries is also a component of the Marine Programme. Further information is available on the Foundation’s website. The deadline for applications to the Marine Programme is Sunday 1st September 2024.
2. Tropical Rainforests – preference will be given to initiatives working to protect tropical rainforests
The Foundation’s Environment Grants programme can award one-off and multi-year annual awards up to 5 years with a total value of £100,000. Proposals that have matched funding in place are likely to be prioritised for grant support. All applicants should have an Environmental Policy.
Some examples of previously supported projects are available on the Foundation’s website.
Funding is not available for:
o General appeals or circulars.
o Individuals.
o Projects based in countries that are not secure and politically stable.
o Projects based in freshwater fisheries.
o Projects focusing on environmental education.
o Projects focusing solely on the use of fuel-efficient stoves.
o Projects with animal conservation as the sole focus.
o Projects with conservation of non-fish species as the sole focus (for example, dolphins, turtles or sea birds).
o Proposals for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (otherwise known as REDD) and carbon finance projects.
o Research projects.
o The promotion of political or religious causes.
o Tree planting projects, or
o US-based organisations, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Foundation has 2 deadlines per programme each year for applications to its Environment Fund and aims to process all the applications it receives within 6 months of the deadline date.
Marine – The 2 deadlines for applications to the Marine programme fall on the following dates every year:
o 1st March, and
o 1st September.
Tropical Rainforests – the 2 deadlines for applications to the Tropical Rainforests programme fall on the following dates every year:
o 1st June, and
o 1st November
Please note that the Foundation doesn’t have an application form in order that applicants have the freedom to formulate their proposal as they wish. Applicants are asked to follow the guidelines below:
1. Limit the proposal to approximately 2-3 sides of A4, and send it as an attachment to an email to applications@
2. State that you are applying under the Environment programme, and state which programme you are applying to – Marine or Tropical Rainforests. Please also let the Foundation know how you heard about this particular funding programme.
3. Supply basic information on your organisation – name, address, aim, charitable status, annual income and expenditure, website address and contact details.
4. Provide the title of your project.
5. Briefly describe the project or purpose for which you are seeking funding. All applicants must outline how this meets the priorities of the programme they are applying to.
6. Briefly outline the anticipated project outcomes and how these will be measured, including any post-implementation studies you plan to undertake.
7. Provide a brief outline of the need for this particular intervention. Reference any statistics, data or research used as justification.
8. Provide brief project details such as cost, timescales and activities. The Foundation will not require a full project plan or budget at this stage.
9. Provide evidence that your previous projects have led to successful outcomes and sustained impact.
10. The Foundation may ask at a later stage to see a full copy of the supporting data and evaluation.