Grants, normally for between £1,000 and £20,000, are available for UK arts-based organisations for activities and projects that support the promotion of the arts for public health.

o Application deadlineWEDNESDAY 19th MARCH at 5pm (the programme opens to applications on Wednesday 5th February 2025 at 9am).
o Funder: The Jerwood Foundation (founded January 2022. Charity number 1197386. During the year ended 31st March 2023 the Foundation awarded grants totalling £424,520).
o Who can applyUK arts-based organisations for activities and projects that support the promotion of the arts for public health.
o Key wordsArts, Crafts, the Promotion of the Arts for Public Health, United Kingdom.

The Jerwood Foundation was recently established as a grant-making charity after merging with the Jerwood Charity (more commonly referred to as Jerwood Arts). Many of the trustees of the new Foundation were also trustees of the Jerwood Charity,   The Jerwood Foundation is expected to continue the Jerwood Charity’s role as a leading independent funder dedicated to supporting outstanding UK arts and crafts organisations develop and thrive. The Foundation’s ambition is to award grants totalling up to £2 million annually to arts-based organisations for activities and projects that support the promotion of the arts for public benefit.

During the year ended 31st March 2023, the Foundation awarded 12 grants totalling £423,520.

A list of all grants awarded during the year is provided on page 17 of the Foundation’s annual accounts.

Funding is not available for:

o Capital endowments (endowments are generally considered to be a donation of money or property to a not-for-profit organisation, which uses the resulting investment income for a specific purpose).
o Core funding.
o Educational courses, 
o Individuals.

The next deadline for applications is Wednesday 19th March 2025 (please note that the programme opens to applications at 9am on Wednesday 5th February 2025).

Applicants are initially required to email the following information to

1. A single-page summary of the project with a short description and start date.
2. A budget and fundraising plan, 
3. Any further relevant information.

Further information and guidance can be found on the Foundation’s website.

Contact details for the Foundation are:

The Jerwood Foundation
PO Box 186