Rural Health and Care Wales Winter Webinar

The next RHCW Webinar is being held on Tuesday 28th January 2025 from 10am to 12 noon, with the following presentations:
The Wellbeing benefits of Walking in Nature
Michelle Symes, Research and Development Officer, RHCW
Michelle will outline the work undertaken by Rural Health and Care Wales between 2020 – 2025 in developing and promoting a series of Wellbeing Walks that focus on the health and wellbeing benefits of walking in nature by having starting points at traditional health locations, such as GP surgeries and hospitals. The presentation will outline why walking is such an important, accessible activity, also providing an overview of how the leaflets were developed, collaboration with external partners, the design and funding of leaflets and the launch events. The presentation will also outline other work in progress by RHCW for developing similar initiatives in other towns across the Mid Wales region.
Only the lonely?
Dr Deborah Morgan, Senior Research Officer / ENRICH Cymru Research Manager, Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University
Loneliness is a universal experience that most people experience at some point in their lives. During this presentation, Dr Deborah Morgan will introduce the topic of loneliness and explore the difference between loneliness and social isolation, why loneliness is such an important issue, who is affected and identify some of the key trigger points. This will be followed by an exploration of the language of loneliness and how it contributes to the stigma surrounding loneliness experiences. The presentation will end with a short discussion on what actions we can take to help address loneliness and social isolation in our communities.
Attendance at the Webinar is free of charge, but you will need to register to attend the Webinar by booking a ticket below. Once registered, you will be sent a link to the Webinar which will be held on-line on Teams.
10:00am Welcome and Introductions
10.15am The Wellbeing benefits of Walking in Nature
10.45am Q&A / Mentimeter / Comfort Break
11.00am Only the lonely?
11.30am Q&A / Mentimeter
11.45am Closing remarks / AOB
The Webinar is free of charge to attend but you will need to register for your place by completing the booking form below:
Gweminar y Gaeaf IGGC 2025 / RHCW Winter Webinar 2025 | Rural Health and Care Wales