Free Webinar – Involving older carers in care home transitions

Unpaid carers play a vital role and without their hours of care, our health and social care systems would fail. Their knowledge and expertise are vital to safe and smooth transitioning into care home life.
At Age Cymru and Carers Trust, our engagement with older unpaid carers across Wales shows many carers feel left out of conversations and decision making in care home transitions, despite being experts on the person they care for. When the person they provide care for moves into residential care, their existing and
continued status as an unpaid carer needs better recognition.
As part of the Older Carers Project we have developed a short good-practice guide on involving older
carers in transitions and have offered 8 free online training sessions for care home staff across Wales for January and February 2024.
Involving older carers well has many benefits. An online webinar on involving older carers to support good transitions will be held on 13/02/24 at 14.00 aimed at social and health care decision makers. This session will highlight good practice examples, what our engagement with older carers tells us needs to change.
For further information and to book a place please contact, or