Local Places for Nature Funding

Local Places for Nature Grants
Powys County Council, in collaboration with the Powys Nature Partnership, has been allocated funding by the Welsh Government for Local Places for Nature.
The aim of Local Places for Nature is to create nature on your doorstep, engaging communities to create and enhance places for nature.
Local Places for Nature is a bottom-up programme with a focus on urban areas, particularly areas of deprivation and/or those with limited access to nature.
The Powys Nature Partnership is offering partners, organisations, and services the chance to bid for grant funding to create local places for nature in communities.
The fund is open to:
- community groups
- voluntary organisations
- charities and other third sector organisations
- public sector organisations including Town and Community Councils.
Projects must involve at least one of the following:
- Increase wildflower planting.
- Increase community food growing opportunities.
- Increase local tree planting.
- Create dense and diverse woodlands the size of a tennis court.
- Create habitats at rail stations and transport interchanges.
- Encourage wildflowers and improve biodiversity by changing mowing practices.
- Create sensory gardens.
- Reduce the use of pesticides.
- Increase public access to drinking water.
- Restore or create community orchards.
This is a reimbursement grant, so funding will be released after you have made payments for your project. Your organisation will need to be able to front the upfront costs of delivering the project, with reimbursement coming in up to 30 days.
Previously funded projects have included:
- improving access to nature
- creation of pollinator habitat, wildflower meadows and community wildlife gardens
- road verge wildflower management
- animal homes (bug hotels, bird and bat boxes)
- orchards, community food growing
Applications for Community Wildlife Sites funding are now open. Guidance Notes and Application Forms can be found below.
The closing date for applications will be 5pm, 20 August 2024.
Community Wildlife Sites Funding Guidance Notes (PDF) [187KB]
Community Wildlife Sites Funding Application form (Word doc) [878KB]
Keep Wales Tidy also have Local Places for Nature grants – these are set packages from small gardening projects to orchards and large-scale makeovers. For more details visit https://keepwalestidy.cymru/our-work/conservation/